Normally Tubes I'd agree, but bar Oviedo what have those squad players offered this season?
Nothing. So it's not really a case of having to replace 'like for like'.
We've seen the youngsters coming through and tbh I think from what Koeman's said they're gonna be given a chance if ever needed.
I'd like us to bring one more in today, at least, but if we don't - I can accept it.
I'll be slightly disappointed if we don't get a forward/winger or whatever in, as it seems we targeted one and Koeman has changed his mind a few times, but if the manager isn't 100% certain then I'd rather us not buy for the sake of it.
I'm not asking us to replace like for like - I'm asking us to use the 31 days we've had to bring in the striker we so obviously need, like you have said. If we don't, then there's only two reasons I can give - either Koeman has written off the season and is looking at the summer, or we've already spent what we had and the offloading lately is balancing the books. There's no logical reason not to bring in a striker beyond those two reasons.