Quite an interesting back and forth between him and an Evertonian in the comments section
Bluedylan Any chance any journalist is going to put Everton's perspective....you know, just as a novelty?
paul Wilson Here you go...
Bluedylan Appreciate the direct response. I read that when it was published. So you're suggesting that the Everton perspective is simply 'you don't have any choice in the matter', which seems to sum up the article you linked. Howabout something to the tune of 'why don't Everton just reject the bids this summer and keep the player who is under a 4 year contract, given that his value will remain just as high next year or quite possibly increase?'
Paul Wilson Well they still might. But Chelsea are thought to be willing to pay £30m or so, someone close to the player is briefing that he is in favour of the move, and Everton's record in keeping their best players over the last few years has not been great. Let's just see what happens, bearing in mind what happened when Liverpool tried hanging on to Raheem Sterling. Theoretically Everton have a choice in the matter, in practice it is never that simple, though from an EFC point of view it is encouraging that the transfer window is ticking by and Chelsea seem to be going a bit quiet on the subject.