Join me in the spirit realm.

About to have a first go this in an hour or so...the smell on this gin is phenom...

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This is a very serious Jamaican rum, high ABV, high esters, quite a burn. Got a complex flavour that's heavy on the ethanol and burnt banana rather than the sweeter, toffee/fruit taste of south American or some of the caribbean ones. Not sure I'd jump on this again but its a very good rum.

I’m currently down your neck of the woods - Burnham on Sea.

Just had a lovely curry, but I won’t be hurrying back to Burnham, it’s like the Morecambe of the South West !

I’m currently down your neck of the woods - Burnham on Sea.

Just had a lovely curry, but I won’t be hurrying back to Burnham, it’s like the Morecambe of the South West !
I bought my Rover p6 from Burnham on Sea. Terrific car that was. My Jag (old modern S type) suffered a gearbox problem on the,way down to see it... it was clearly a sign.
My best man who is a modern alcoholic, has been laid off due to a throat op he has had. He bought a still to fill his time and has so far made hooch out of white/red.rose wine, various fruits and, shudders, stella! he now has a huge array of 50-70% vile crap in jam jars that he can swill all day during his recuperation

After a particularly dispiriting week at work, I've decided to polish off the last double shot of a rare Absolut I've been holding:

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Picked this up a few years back in Reykjavik airport, it was only ever sold in duty free. Honey melon and lemon grass flavour, bit sweet for me but interesting taste. The stylee bottle is a collaboration with Johan Renck... whoever he is

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So, if you find a novel spirit on your travels, or you just wanna sing the praises of an old favourite, sling it in here for our edification.

Vodkas, gins, rums, brandys, liqueurs, all that good stuff.

Whiskies, whether Scots or elsewhere, in @Groucho 's excellent Single malts thread if you please:
Is that Myra Hindley on the bottle?
I would absolutely love to get my hands on a proper bottle of Absinthe! Not the mass produced, made for and marketed to the general public that's sold in most liquor stores which doesn't contain the hallucinogenic chemical compound that gives you the swift kick in the arse.

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