Player Valuation: £750k
Hello everyone, Sunderland fan here. Hope you don't mind me chucking my verdict on Pickford into the mix!
Obviously, I've seen quite a-lot of him and I've watched his career since he was 16. You've got one of the best potential keepers with Jordan, in 5 years I can see him being the next England keeper for years to come, I personally think him and Jack Butland will be fighting it out for that spot. But, taking my biased head off - He's better than Butland in my opinion.
However, he does still have a way to go. I watched your game yesterday and he was poor for the goal, the ball wasn't even hit with much power. Sometimes, he is guilty of diving too early and commiting himself too soon, often making it easier for the attacker. Think he was maybe done by the eyes, maybe im being too harsh. I'm a big fan of Pickford, but I was constantly arguing with people around me for suggesting he isn't the finished article yet. In our tragically woeful season under Moyes last year, yes he was in front of a terrible back line but he was still at fault for some of the goals. Too often, people said "Not Pickford's fault it's the rubbish defence in front of him" and it's followed on here with your fans, just what I've read on this thread. My argument, was he shouldn't be given a free pass of "It's the defenders fault for XYZ" just because he's playing in a really terrible team (Us I'm talking about not you just to clarify)
To summarise, you've got a fantastic talent with Pickford but you have to be patient (I know to pay 30m for a keeper and to be told "be patient" isn't ideal!) and you'll reap the rewards. His height often makes it harder for him to cover the goal (Not much you can do about that) he's also got to work on his concentration but that will come in time.
He's still a young lad and I can guarantee you he'll improve and will win you a lot of points over the course of the season. Maybe, taking him out of the team in the short term will help.
His ball distribution is very good, he's quite vocal and his reflexes are top notch. He's a top talent and I'll stick my neck on the line and say it's 30m very well spent as you've got a long-term keeper who could very well become world class (If he develops as he should).
Ashley Williams looks awful at the moment, I'm sure once you rectify your defensive problem and you have a more solid foundation, naturally, Pickford will be asked to do a bit less and won't come under as much pressure. But, you're well within your rights to expect a bit more from him. When you pay 30m for a keeper, that brings high expectations.
P.S - Thank you all very much for your whole contribution regarding our young Bradley. Your club has been a touch of class
Everton are now my second team because of this reason alone - That's more than likely why You're struggling! lol
Sorry for boring you all with my Pickford view. You probably knew all of what I said already.
Obviously, I've seen quite a-lot of him and I've watched his career since he was 16. You've got one of the best potential keepers with Jordan, in 5 years I can see him being the next England keeper for years to come, I personally think him and Jack Butland will be fighting it out for that spot. But, taking my biased head off - He's better than Butland in my opinion.
However, he does still have a way to go. I watched your game yesterday and he was poor for the goal, the ball wasn't even hit with much power. Sometimes, he is guilty of diving too early and commiting himself too soon, often making it easier for the attacker. Think he was maybe done by the eyes, maybe im being too harsh. I'm a big fan of Pickford, but I was constantly arguing with people around me for suggesting he isn't the finished article yet. In our tragically woeful season under Moyes last year, yes he was in front of a terrible back line but he was still at fault for some of the goals. Too often, people said "Not Pickford's fault it's the rubbish defence in front of him" and it's followed on here with your fans, just what I've read on this thread. My argument, was he shouldn't be given a free pass of "It's the defenders fault for XYZ" just because he's playing in a really terrible team (Us I'm talking about not you just to clarify)

To summarise, you've got a fantastic talent with Pickford but you have to be patient (I know to pay 30m for a keeper and to be told "be patient" isn't ideal!) and you'll reap the rewards. His height often makes it harder for him to cover the goal (Not much you can do about that) he's also got to work on his concentration but that will come in time.
He's still a young lad and I can guarantee you he'll improve and will win you a lot of points over the course of the season. Maybe, taking him out of the team in the short term will help.
His ball distribution is very good, he's quite vocal and his reflexes are top notch. He's a top talent and I'll stick my neck on the line and say it's 30m very well spent as you've got a long-term keeper who could very well become world class (If he develops as he should).
Ashley Williams looks awful at the moment, I'm sure once you rectify your defensive problem and you have a more solid foundation, naturally, Pickford will be asked to do a bit less and won't come under as much pressure. But, you're well within your rights to expect a bit more from him. When you pay 30m for a keeper, that brings high expectations.
P.S - Thank you all very much for your whole contribution regarding our young Bradley. Your club has been a touch of class

Sorry for boring you all with my Pickford view. You probably knew all of what I said already.
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