You’re just removing all the context there though? He ‘got spurs european football’? I mean technically right I suppose, but probably worth noting they’d played in the champions league final 6 months before he took over isn’t it? They finished 4th the season before he went and 4th again the season after he left, but 6th and 7th while he was there.
Nobody’s saying he’s beneath us, it’s just an awful awful fit for where we are as a club. Peoples obsession with the idea that a ‘winner’ can just come in and change everything just because they’ve won some trophies in the past is so weird. People said it about koeman, ancelotti, Benitez and lampard, as well as loads of players, and despite it never even coming close to happening they just repeat it every time as if it has merit. Delusion is the word, you’re right.