Tom Hughes
Player Valuation: £10m
It remains to be seen mate i still think the cost is conservative and i see no need to add captial projects such as a hotel or increaseing the footprint before actually getting onto improving the actual ground given our limited ability fiscally. Thats even befoe you begin to speak about a football quater, though i take on board the point that KEIOC and Trev were not singing from the same hyme-sheet (that in itself is a bit mystifying). I think these will be telling factors all said when a descion is made to either move to a new site or redevelop Goodison. I think Trev mentioned that his rough figures were on a slideing scale and i took from Ducklings excellent post that the estemated 150 mill (though i realise this can be made in gradual amounts) were at the bottom end of such redesgins slideing scales that he himself has been involved in. This reminds me of what Bob was saying yesterday about quality over quantity and getting bang for your buck, has to be said 150 mill is alot to add (even with the ifs and buts) for 10 - 15 k seats.
I find this slightly contradictory. You say at the top of this paragraph that you think it is a conservative costing yet, at the bottom you feel it is a lot......? Not sure where the £150m figure comes from. Trevor stated that one option might be a complete rebuild of the Bullens Side.... he quotes approx £80m cost.... that is £4-5k per seat (which is of the order of the emirates in quality terms). Bottom of any sliding scale would be the likes of barr's design which was £2k per seat, even the land acquisition cost would not move this much in terms of the stadium costs as opposed to overall development costs. The Park end can have a straight forward new tier/extension added for a lesser rate, and the cost quoted I believe was more like £3-4k per seat..... Both these cost/seat values exceed that estimated for similar extensions elsewhere, hence the conservative descriptor. See what is being planned at both Sheffield clubs for instance. Bottom of the total cost scale could be adding capacity by simple extension by way of the conservation-led scheme as opposed to whole new stands. Each method can give the desired effect of breaching 50k unobstructed seats, but just adding 12-16k new seats need never cost as much as building 50k afresh.... even if you go to the top of the scale (a la emirates), and that's why the majority of footy clubs have pursued this method to date.
TBH, the only mystifying thing appears to be that Trevor was focussed only on discussing a stadium redevelopment, and as stated just one approach of potentially many, whereas Dave Kelly and Colin Fitz discussed the other issues relating to the process to date, where the club stood, and the Football Quarter concept.
A new site on the other hand with a balnk canvas for me sounds like the logical idea especially if their is scope to redevelop or increase capcity. Certainly a 150 mill would put a large chunk in a new ground if a partner or the council were on board, while also factoring in the sale of Goodison. I just cant see how staying in Goodison is the best option for the future to be honest. All of the above goes to show what a massive oppurtunity DK really was. As i said i would have major concerns about the ability of a redeveloped Goodison to compeate in terms of corporote hospitality, non match day events and sponsorship with a 400 mill new stadium beside it.
Selling GP might be beneficial if it wasn't already mortgaged to its full value as is rumoured. As far as DK being a great opportunity, it begs the question why then didn't the club follow through with it? Enabling was only ever going to realise £10-12m tops. The point was, the transport issues alone rendered it a complete non-starter. No amount of money could've turned that around.
Im not comitted at this stage and would prefer to leave all the cards on the table but my innital museings would be to move to a new site - i think its best for the future.
You might be right, and each option should be judged on its merits.