Kenwright leaving rumour

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The leaked emails from the likes of Ian Ross were very interesting and also telling. Remember them?

The way people fell into that "don't want to be a Leeds, Portsmouth" stuff, it annoyed me to say the least and if you were deliberately peddling that stuff for reasons that benefited yourself then what else is there to say about you. Not one Evertonian wanted us to be like those clubs yet that "meme" was pushed to anyone who dared criticised him.

It is Everton FC not Bill Kenwright FC.
What an utterly despicable post.

So anything he has done for the club, anything at all counts for nothing or as not putting anything in?

If his shares attract money, so what, he had the cojones to buy them in the first place and if someone is willing to pay more than he paid, well done him. Its called investment, the whole of the UK financial industry thrives on it.

Everything else is just spiteful conjecture. And to use his health issues as a further stick to beat him with, is less than worthy of a human being of even Koppite flavour - if they can be described as human in the first instance. I'm bloody ashamed of you for posting that drivel.

I'm really no apologist for Bill, but I think some degree of balance needs to be had here.

Some people need to understand business a bit more. Kenwright owns the club, he is under no legal duty to invest the sale of any asset back into the club, he and the other shareholders can just take the cash.
So whilst it is unpalatable to state the bleeding obvious, be grateful that he has chosen to put the money back into the club for the sale of our assets. In light of day, the Lescott deal has to go down with The Great Train Robbery as something of legendary status. 24 mill for Lescott?
Only fans care as much as we all do, do you really think that Elstone is employed to care? If so get real, his job is to keep the club afloat, its not his job to know anything other than that - its our job to know the 'istory of the club, it's our job to keep buying tickets to watch the **** turned out week after week, because we are supporters, stupid mainly, but supporters nonetheless.
As to turning away billionaires, as you are all in the know, can we have a list of those turned away?
As to not employing a broker to find a billionaire, how does anyone know that we have not?

Okay maybe 500 mill was an exaggeration, but the point is the takeove would need some serious big wads of cash, assuming they could take it away from Kenwright. Incidentally I was at a do recently on the same table as his niece, she said Uncle Bill had come quite close to selling on two occasions, but the promised cash never appeared. Dunno if it was the truth, but she sounded sincere enough.

And look at the state of the club when Kenwright took over, some are either too young or too entrenched to admit that nothing good was done. For all his faults - and there are many perceived and actual - Kenwright deserves your support because he is the Chairman of our Club. Feel free to say what could be better, but until you put yourself in his shoes, you would never know what he has had to deal with, or without.

This is like the English calling the Scots British when they win something and Scottish when they lose.
Call it like it is: kenwright and his useless team have done another bit of excellent business here. "We" did nothing.

(thats about selling McGeady btw)

Just some of your fair and balanced posts about Kenwright, and ofc you are not an apologist mate

As for my post being despicable, why exactly, go on?

What exactly has he done for the club mate, what assets did this club own before he took over, and by the time he sold to Moshiri what assets did it have?
What was the levels of debt when he bought in and what where the levels when he sold?
Has he previously stated numerous times that he has not taken a penny out of the club?
Has he let it become 'common knowledge' without refuting it, and in fact stated in an interview less than 5 years ago that he had to mortgage his house to keep the club afloat, a 'fact' which was later completely shown to be a lie?
The cajones to buy his shares, no mate he borrowed money to buy into the club, how was that money paid back exactly? through his blood brothers ticket sales?
Well done him for making a nice 60m quid - nice - but wasn't he the one constantly saying it wasn't about the money etc mate?
Did he ensure the Kings dock never happened as it was the only way he would not have to relinquish some control?
Did he lie about the safety certificate on Goodison?
Did he cancel AGM's?
Did he lie about destination Kirkby?

Is all the above questions to you just spiteful conjecture as well mate? you won't answer them ofc I know you won't

As for his health issues and your own insults to me (which i'm guessing calling someone less than a human being is just banter) - ofc you jumped in straight away to defend Bill mate, read the post, use of parenthesis around health is because honestly, he never said anything about his own health, it was all via third hand accounts and social media stuff, If he was as sick as some suggested - then frankly he was incapable of doing his role at the club and the stress of trying to perform his role would be bad for the man and his family, if he wasn't as sick as the rumour mills where letting it be said he was, then a simple statement quells all of that commotion/uncertainty doesn't it?

Someone earlier appealed for balanced points of view about certain individuals who are being generally vilified. This kind of forum is the wrong place to look for balanced views. If someone, player or official is seen as someone to be got rid of, which is a perfectly legit opinion to have, then no mitigating views are allowed. They have to be 100% bad with nothing said in their favour.

Someone earlier appealed for balanced points of view about certain individuals who are being generally vilified. This kind of forum is the wrong place to look for balanced views. If someone, player or official is seen as someone to be got rid of, which is a perfectly legit opinion to have, then no mitigating views are allowed. They have to be 100% bad with nothing said in their favour.

Or you could believe in your conviction and try and put your point across.

Its forum 101.

Oh and don't forget the 'never taken a penny out the club' speel he frequently has come out with.

few things about that
Do you deserve to take a penny out of something when you have never put a penny into it?
Ignoring the sheer amount of publicity he has received from his position - for which someone in the entertainment iondustry - i would have thought in and of itself was a form of payment, can you ever remember a time that Blue Bill was putting on a play etc when he wasn't all over the media in his Everton role, making sure that those articles where seeded with a nice bit of free advertising and publicity for whatever he was putting on?
Strange untraceable payments - mainly on loans or other operating costs, who knows whose pocket that money all ended up in - either directly or through a secondary 'facilitation' payment.
The fact he will be making how much off his shares when he is finally sold up - say 60m? work that out as over 2m a year for him over the time he has been here, would blues be so clappy if they had seen him taking home a 2-3m salary every season he's been here.

Biggest Blue ever...

Nah - a bloke who hasn't paid for a ticket for how many years, sits in the best seat in the house, will make an equivalent of 40k pw in essence for every one of the 30 years he has been at the club, and doesn't even have to bother attending most games and leaves his seat empty.
Meanwhile you have some old fellas who've been going the game every week since the 60's who have still been going the last 20+ years and seeing by and large an abject team - winning nothing, celebrating a magnificent 7th etc. paying out his own pocket - and at a cost that IF Kenwright had to pay a proportionate part of his income you'd never see him leave his beloved London.

But yeah he's the worlds biggest Blue

His 'health' issues are something which people now use as well to deflect criticism away from him - when the reality is, if he was that sick, then surely isn't it an indication of the absolute vanity of the man he was still unwilling to let go his train set and concentrate on his health and family, the reality is more IMO a case of he would clutch on to his final breath if he could to ensure he gets that big payout which he finally seems to have secured.
Not used to seeing you post absolute rubbish mate, think you need a break!

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