Kirkby Called In.

Are you happy with the call in decision?

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    Votes: 62 43.7%
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    Votes: 80 56.3%

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I am sorry for those that have had a fondness for Kenwright, Ross and Wyness but i never have fell for their lies ever since i believed them that we were moving to the kings dock. What we really need here is a complete overhaul in the boardroom, replacing the dead wood with people who genuinely care about the club. Harsh words i know, but my comments cant please everyone.
Let's be honest (someone has to be), none of the major players in this farrago have really covered themselves in glory.

We now have an opportunity:

all those who wanted Bradley to 'put up or shut up', well, you may now get what you wanted. If the deal (and the exclusivity agreement) falls, Bradley will have to substantiate his claims about assisting with an increased GP footprint / alternative sites.

those who were concerned that a sub-optimal solution was being pushed through, well, maybe a proper decision making process may be employed next time.

One thing to remember, this call in was always going to happen, the wording in the original Planning Application suggested that it was a very real fear for the developers, hence trying to head it off by insisting that the size of the development was crucial for EFC in affordability terms and therefore Kirkby in regards of any redevelopment occuring at all.
Quite embarrassing that a lot on here seem to be regurgitating the clubs propaganda. There was no additional money to be made in DK, more debt, but no more income.

As for all the beauts who think it was KEIOC's fault, it was the planning application that got called in by GONW not the stadium. It broke every criteria for a development for a town with a poulation the same as Goodisons capacity.

Not jumping into the pro's and cons (did that last night, tired of it all really). But I was just wondering if anyone knew or if I've missed it being posted somewhere else but --

Why did the project go ahead if all the problems were/are there?
Someone must have done the figures before hand if the stadium wouldnt make any extra income.
If the costs would put us in more dept and it was viable to rebuild Goodison, why didnt we take a look at it when these problems (transport etc) were brought up and change or pull out before spending x amount on the project?
If the project broke every planning law in the book, why didnt Tesco (the 3rd biggest consumer brand in the world) and ourselves rectify it instead of trying to move on with a 50/50 on whether it would be called in making it cost more money?
Are Tesco's and ourselves that inept on a basic business level, paying people thousands to predict plans etc? (The Kings Dock was more about not getting money together than it not being able to build so that's not a past eg)

All I've read is that the reason for all that is that people will line their pockets. I dont buy it personally. If major alarm bells are/were there, why didnt anyone pull the plug or reevaluate anything? Anyone know answers to these? Thanks in advanced.
Not jumping into the pro's and cons (did that last night, tired of it all really). But I was just wondering if anyone knew or if I've missed it being posted somewhere else but --

Why did the project go ahead if all the problems were/are there?
Someone must have done the figures before hand if the stadium wouldnt make any extra income.
If the costs would put us in more dept and it was viable to rebuild Goodison, why didnt we take a look at it when these problems (transport etc) were brought up and change or pull out before spending x amount on the project?
If the project broke every planning law in the book, why didnt Tesco (the 3rd biggest consumer brand in the world) and ourselves rectify it instead of trying to move on with a 50/50 on whether it would be called in making it cost more money?
Are Tesco's and ourselves that inept on a basic business level, paying people thousands to predict plans etc? (The Kings Dock was more about not getting money together than it not being able to build so that's not a past eg)

All I've read is that the reason for all that is that people will line their pockets. I dont buy it personally. If major alarm bells are/were there, why didnt anyone pull the plug or reevaluate anything? Anyone know answers to these? Thanks in advanced.

The Club were desperate for it to go ahead because it was easy. Tesco's have a long and distinguished history of Bullish behaviour with regard to Planning laws (to the extent of ending up having to pull a couple of stores back down, having knowingly built them larger than permitted.)

This has been a rather sad case of hope triumphing over experience until it was far too late to back out.

EDIT: Before the inevitable challenges come in, an example:
In February 2006, a group of UK MPs produced a report highlighting the near monopoly powers of the big four supermarkets.[15] One problem discussed by the group was that of building without appropriate planning permission.[16] The discussion stemmed from the company's building of a store in Stockport that was 20% larger than the company actually had permission to build. In September 2006, subsequent (retrospective) planning permission was requested by Tesco but refused
Sources: Hansard, The Independent, BBC
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As I see it, Tesco knew all along that this won't be accepted. They are using this project as a stepping stone. This one will be rejected but they will come up with another one, which is smaller but still much bigger than what they could have gotten through before the current project. Of course EFC won't be involved in that anymore because there won't be enough enabling partners.

Tesco doesn't care about Everton. The club is just a tool to use.

The reason the plug hasn't been pulled is that the club owners have run out of ideas. Kirkby was their trump card. Witness how poorly the business side of the club has been run.
So why did we partner Tesco's in the move if they're not doing anything?

Tesco's dont need us and if they wanted could've built a store in Kirkby regardless, and would've been easily to get permission to do so being more space would be available without the stadium.

And are we that poor on the business side, even with all the contacts of Green etc, that no one spotted where the project was going and how much it costs given the rsik of it being 50/50 if its got called in?

Even if it was our trumph card, with cost's and risk building compared with staying at Goodison and all "viable" routes branded etc, why still press ahead with costs inceasing if the outcome is going to be (allegdelly) nothing?

Its like seeing a Porshe knowing its got no engine or wheels but you still buy it anyway (maybe to add and sell it on?)

Think what I'm trying to figure out is, if the project is THAT bad who's making the figures and calling the shots on both sides to pursuade the powers that be it will work?
So why did we partner Tesco's in the move if they're not doing anything?
Of course they do. They are the drivers on this project. They can get that "enabling money" and the sorts.

Tesco's dont need us and if they wanted could've built a store in Kirkby regardless, and would've been easily to get permission to do so being more space would be available without the stadium.
Nope, since the development will remove some recreational space they need to offer something else back.

Even if it was our trumph card, with cost's and risk building compared with staying at Goodison and all "viable" routes branded etc, why still press ahead with costs inceasing if the outcome is going to be (allegdelly) nothing?
Because on paper the clubs value would increase, at least on the short term. Current custodians don't care about the long-term effects.

We were always there as a Planning enabler, without the Stadium, the development in that form wouldn't have even made it past KMBC who were an open goal.

Without the Stadium Kirkby will get what it should always have been offered, proper redevelopment of the Town Centre and a decent sized Tesco's.
But even without the stadium, wouldnt KMBC take on board a tesco's redevelopment? Its better than what they got for that area?

Or were EFC the instigators to make KMBC accept proposals?

But all parties knew the difficulties and the possibility of a call in that would double costs.
But even without the stadium, wouldnt KMBC take on board a tesco's redevelopment? Its better than what they got for that area?

Or were EFC the instigators to make KMBC accept proposals?

But all parties knew the difficulties and the possibility of a call in that would double costs.

again, for the development to be that size, the Stadium was required to 'sweeten the pill', if you like, as a Planning enabler.

There has always been an alternative development on the cards - first with Development Securities with ASDA as the anchor store, then after Tesco's bought them out (perhaps getting less confident about not getting called in) a more modest redevelopment of the Town Centre with a smaller Tesco as the anchor.
and how do you know this?

Morning all:)

It is a well known fact mate, he helped us out in 2005 when we needed money to pay off another called in loan, the same time Rooney went to Manure, Green was a major player in that affair as well, Kenwright couldn`t get all the money upfront to pay off a loan, Green "subbed" him the money then. I can give you a few more instances...but if you want to find out a bit more just Google Phillip Green Everton Fc, that will give you plenty of info, i`m not convinced it is all 100% accurate, but he has definately lent us money in the past, significant amounts, over £15 million, rumours have been around for ages that he will be closing the cheque book and wanting his money back for "other projects"....... Tottenham Hotspur any one???
Either way, Green or no Green, i am worried about the short term future of the club.
Where did these "Green's closed his cheque book" rumours come from?

As for Spurs, they've already spent 30odd million and made most that back from selling players off.

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