Kirkby Called In.

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    Votes: 62 43.7%
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From what im lead to believe his cheque book has never been open and he has no interest in investing in football. I find it impossible to believe that he would invest in Spurs when they clearly have decent backers already, they aint gonna let some1 else have a piece of the pie.

I would say if he was gonna invest it would be us, but hes said many, many times he doesnt want too.

If indeed he has loaned us money, it wouldnt have been a matter of here you go Bill pay us back when uve got it. It would have been an official loan, with repayments, he cant just turn around and say i want my money NOW!

But at the end of the day no1 knows the real truth and i doubt it will ever come out, but yea we can have fun making it up!!!!!!!! :D
Surely Bradley will be coming out today telling us the wonderful sites he has promised us, Trevor Skempton will be telling us how we can re-develop Gp with no money and the Hilton hotel group have stopped work on the L1 development citing they would much rather be in Walton than a thriving city like Liverpool. Time to wake up and smell the coffee boys

Isnt that a bit like the Everton board thinking, oh bugger Kings Dock lets go to Kirkby, much better idea......
Morning all:)

It is a well known fact mate, he helped us out in 2005 when we needed money to pay off another called in loan, the same time Rooney went to Manure, Green was a major player in that affair as well, Kenwright couldn`t get all the money upfront to pay off a loan, Green "subbed" him the money then. I can give you a few more instances...but if you want to find out a bit more just Google Phillip Green Everton Fc, that will give you plenty of info, i`m not convinced it is all 100% accurate, but he has definately lent us money in the past, significant amounts, over £15 million, rumours have been around for ages that he will be closing the cheque book and wanting his money back for "other projects"....... Tottenham Hotspur any one???
Either way, Green or no Green, i am worried about the short term future of the club.

Its not a fact. Can you back that fact up with evidence? If its known around the campfire, around the pubs, texts from one friend to another, it is not a fact, it is a rumour, and a rumour remains a rumour until someone can prove it with evidence.
KD was another Lcc. They refused to let the club sell gp for retail therefore killing the deal
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I've heard all kinds of rumours about them [Poor language removed] us over trying to be as awkward as poss over KD. From business development people who have sat on these committees, etc.

There's a RS who was dead against EFC at KD.

KD was another Lcc. They refused to let the club sell gp for retail therefore killing the deal
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So its the councils fault we never had the cash,and IF what you say is true why did we not point this out at the beginning so that if it was unacceptable we could have saved the council and ourselves a lot of time and money:(
I think we're going to need a copy of the deposit slip to put this one to bed, anyone got a copy of BK's deposit slips from back then?
Yeh transfer budget this summer, but no new ground on the horizon, the transfer budget will dwindle
I agree with you mate, I`m not daft enough not see down the line and posted before to your very point.
I really dont know which way to think on this one tbh
Kirkby was a short term solution for the majority shareholders, and long term disaster for the club. Most anti movers were probably in favour of the Kings dock move. Wonder how guilty Kenwright felt about that.
From what i remember of KD, Everton where told a price which they could afford, that original price then rose three-fold.When the due date for actual ground work was to begin the money had to be in place before a brick was laid, we didnt have it because of the cost going up, we again where borrowing so no deal.
Just a few comments:

1) Everton is a HUGE club from a historical standpoint.

2) Everton is a MEDIUM sized club in terms of finances, turnover, etc... There's no getting around that fact. That could change in the future but we're talking about now.

3) Yeh, sorry for the EPL lingo. I'm sure that was coined over here because I hear it all the time.

I havnt been this concerend about our future since Johnson was chairman! Baffles me how some people can be happy threading water and yet want to blow 50mill on players!

KD was another Lcc. They refused to let the club sell gp for retail therefore killing the deal
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You talk absolute poo !

Your statement is nonsense and has no factual basis whatsoever !

If the Goodison site was to be sold it would probably make more money being sold to a property developer for residential housing as opposed to retail. Even if this is not the case and a retail sale would have demanded a higher purchase/sale price, the difference between the two (Retail versus residential property) would not be so great that it would have stopped investment in Kings Dock.

Where do get these crazy, none factual nonsense ideas from?

Do you enjoy making up nonsense?

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