Avatar, last night. Released almost a decade ago, it brought 3D back into our lives. I haven't actually seen something in 3D for a while, has it run out of puff? The film itself doesn't lose anything with age. Such a gung-ho corporation let loose on the indigenous. I think if we get to that kind of space age would we act like that? Don’t think so, but Quartich is a fantastic villain.
I'm hearing they’ve finished shooting 2 and 3. Part 2 will be out 2020, 3 in 2021, 4 in 2023 and 5 in 2024. Shooting films together isn't new, Superman and Superman II did it. Peter Jackson did it on LOTR and Hobbit trilogies; it’s usually a budgetary reason. Back to the Future 2 & 3, some harry Potter and Matrix, and also now Avengers 3 & 4 were also shot 'back-to-back'. Titles leaked include Avatar 2 'The Way of Water' : Avatar 3 'The Seed Bearer' : Avatar 4 "The Talkun Rider' : Avatar 5 "The Quest for Aywa".
All the cast are back, bar Michelle Rodriguez. Worthington, Saldana, interestingly Lang and Weaver who both die in the first one. New additions Kate Winslet and David Thewlis add some British flavour.
Cameron is planning 'Glass-less 3D' - Crikey knows how they'll achieve that. He's also talked about filming it at 48 or even 60 frames per second. This means the film would have to be downgraded, or part of a push to bring a higher resolution to cinema screens. He's also filming in the Marianas Trench, the deepest part of the ocean. The budget would have to be over $1bn.
Looking forward to how these play out - and how all these different franchises will play out over the next few years.