Psycho, again. I mean, it's just one of them perfect films. It's a movie within a movie. And it stays incredibly fresh
Absolutely. Star in the making there.Really enjoyed that.
Bit of s head bender to start with and I like the way, they very slowly introduced the clues to the little girls “ abilities”
The young girl was truly outstanding and I liked the part Bruce Dern, played as her grandfather too.
don`t you mean ecnalubmA.? i`ve lost the ability you read that word the other way roundWatched Ambulance last night.
Thought it was fantastic. 9/10 for me
I seen this at the cinema recently, was great on a big screen, Ive often thought it wouldnt of been as good in colour, the way Hitchcock used black and white is fantastic.Psycho, again. I mean, it's just one of them perfect films. It's a movie within a movie. And it stays incredibly fresh
Im desperate to go the cinema, hardly been recently but cant get excitted about this and Jurassic World Dominion i dont fancy at allSeen some moody reviews for Thor 4.
Im desperate to go the cinema, hardly been recently but cant get excitted about this and Jurassic World Dominion i dont fancy at all