I really like Apocalypse Now but the Redux version is a self indulgent mess. Pretty sure the original cinema release cut the plantation scene entirely and another 30 minutes here and there. There is a Directors cut which puts the plantation scene back in and extends a couple of other bits but the cinema release is the better cut for me.I think so, it was over three hours long.
I'm not on a windup, I just lost interest as it dragged on. Prepared to be a pariah on this, I just don't find it as great as everyone tells me it is.
I had similar thoughts about Brando's scenes the first time I watched it but it's gradually got less jarring with repeated viewings. There's nothing sage or wise there, it is just a broken man rambling and a similarly broken drugged up hippy seeing something great that isn't actually there.
Much like the film. It's not the deep philosophical commentary or gritty portrayal of Vietnam that it's often presented as. It's a mad Filipino exploitation war film / adventure with very little historical or military accuracy.