Watched a couple time travel movies over the last few days.
First up was F(requently) A(sked) Q(uestions) About Time Travel - this is the time travel movie I would make. 3 lads in a pub step into a different point along their own timeline, then spend the rest of the movie trying to get back/not die/not cause a paradox. Has got Roy from the IT Crowd, a couple of other guys fans of Brit films might know, and Anna Faris (who is pretty good for most of the film I thought). One of those films that makes me want to go back and rewatch to see all the bits where it wraps around itself.
4 Flux capacitors out of 5.
Then I watched Primer - very indie film about 4 friends/inventors who create a time machine. Found it quite hard to follow as the audio quality wasn't great on my version, and most of the story is delivered through the dialogue, which is sometimes quite obtuse and technical I thought, tho part of that might have been because I wasn't paying full attention. Good, but needs your full attention to understand/appreciate properly. 3.5 succesful inventions.