Homepage Update: Lukaku's Everton Frustration

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Nailed it.

If Rom was saying all that to you in the pub tonight you would not disagree with one word of it.

But I personally feel humiliated that my club is going to be all over the back pages and the press will start laughing at our grandiose plans for a new super stadium and a team to go to war with.

Avoid Durham like the plague tomorrow :hayee:
I have a much bigger problem with the fact that he's had to say it because of our abject failure to do what we said we were going to do.
It's not even that - he instructed his agent to begin contract negotiations to the point they were 99.9999% complete.

So why is no one asking themselves the obvious question; if he really thought Everton weren't meeting his ambitions and he was never going to sign a contract, then why did he instruct Raiola to get him one with us and take it that far?

People are not seeing the wood for the trees here. You can safely ignore everything Lukaku has said and simply look at the reason he's said it - to divide and conquer. To either get the fans against him to facilitate a move on the cheap, or get the fans to pressure the board into giving in to his demands to stay.

Because honestly, if you remove all the fluff around the situation, these facts remain - we will value Lukaku in excess of £70m in the current market, and the clubs who can afford him either do not need him, or will remain unconvinced on his ability at the top level because of his glaring flaws.

So Lukaku needs the new contract with us, because it increases his pay and inserts a release clause that gets him out for a set fee. Obviously the sticking point is what that set fee is and, if we insist on keeping it sky high (which we should), then what compensation in terms of wage he'll get for that fee remaining.

Honestly people, back the club on this one, not the mercenary and his agent. We're fans of Everton, not Raiola's business practices.
We want a high fee because you're worth a lot
No i should have a low fee
Im da best in de werld

Surely the simple solution is to put a clause in where from the 18-19 season his minimum fee release clause is £60m in any season we are not in the Champions League and £90m when we are. Suits both parties, match his ambition and get what we want, don't match his, or any of the fans ambition within two years and he goes and plays in the Champions League at a standard he deserves. Best player we have had in years, and he's already put up with two years finishing 11th.
To me, he is right. He's an ambitious player. He's saying what many have said on here about the two windows so far. I personally have stated many times I was happy with the two windows so far (as you aren't going to be signing champagne players after back-2-back bottom half finishes) but I have much more time being an Evertonian than he does as a player and is probably a couple of years ahead of us.

The question is, whether he is saying this as Everton have shocked him and his Rat agent by releasing this contract rejection so he's saying it for something to say or whether it's the genuine reason behind him rejecting it.

Obviously something doesn't quite add up as we couldn't sign players in Feb yet his agent said in Feb he was 99% to sign. So it's not like he's woke up in the middle of the night a decided the windows haven't been ambitious enough.

But either way he put it out there publicly and whether he stays or goes I hope it forces Everton into action, in the market.
Nailed it.

If Rom was saying all that to you in the pub tonight you would not disagree with one word of it.

But I personally feel humiliated that my club is going to be all over the back pages and the press will start laughing at our grandiose plans for a new super stadium and a team to go to war with.

Avoid Durham like the plague tomorrow :hayee:

In fairness, we've been a laughing stock for almost 30 years. No money, one trophy, a substandard stadium and more relegation dogfights than you can shake a stick at.

This could of been all left until June. Now 10 matches from a player who wants to leave again. Hope he doesn't down tools again.

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