in memoriam - 1965-2024
Oh, and I believe Ferguson is the reason you won't see another Ferguson, a la Jerry Seinfeld
The Seinfield reference is lost on me mate. My fault, not yours.
Oh, and I believe Ferguson is the reason you won't see another Ferguson, a la Jerry Seinfeld
If Brands is ultimately responsible for first team recruitment ( including the coach ) and for the academy , I don’t think you can call that a small part
Silva will only be as good as the players he has to coach
If Brands signings turn out to be poor then Brands will rightfully get the blame and more than likely face the consequences
He hasn’t made a bad start when dealing with Barcelona, even when they attempted to move the goalposts by upping the Mina fee and insisting we buy Gomes outright. Brands didn’t succumb to either demand.It’s all debatable in my opinion mate, he’s gone from the Dutch league to one of the biggest leagues in the world, I’m sure he will develop and gain more expierence dealing with higher profile clubs. I’m not saying your not correct, I’m saying it’s far to early to make a generalized judgement and far to early for a victory by him, club or fans.
I’m happy to give him time and I agree he needs it, all we are doing is commenting, reflecting and analyzing opinion as the crow flies.
I like what he did in the window on paper with a few exceptions. I don’t like this interview. I’m critiquing as opposed to making a wide sweeping judgement of being boss or gash at this point.
I’m sure he had an imput, I’m not quite sure he had his feet under the table or scouting system developed to have a large impact this summer beyond doing the deals, at least that my opinion. Look at the signing they are all Portuguese/Spanish speaking players I think Silva has a huge imput. I’d expect that to change to be honest going on, or else what’s the point.
That my opinion and suspicion mind.
He hasn’t made a bad start when dealing with Barcelona, even when they attempted to move the goalposts by upping the Mina fee and insisting we buy Gomes outright. Brands didn’t succumb to either demand.
Not this again.
Brands signed every single player this window and appointed the manager.
There is no grey area.
In your opinion, you could be right or you could be wrong. 50% you should fancy your chances.
I reckon Brands knew he was coming here months ago if not 2 years agoI’m sure he had an imput into player selection this summer beyond negotiating and budgeting at least that’s my suspicion. I’m not quite sure he had his feet under the table or scouting system developed to have a large impact this summer beyond doing the deals, at least that my opinion. Look at the signing they are all Portuguese/Spanish speaking players I think Silva has a huge imput. I’d expect that to change to be honest going on, or else what’s the point.
That my opinion and suspicion mind.
Good odds them.
We dont need the "is he a Silva signing or Brands signing" bull.
Brands signed them ALL, he gets ALL the blame and ALL the praise.
What you need is a very personal opinion that isn’t really relevant to actual reality.
I think your wrong personally, I’d say you think I am. Im pretty comfortable with that.
There is a culture of cult around this lid, signings are irrelevant regardless who makes them. We aren’t in the buisness of winning transfer windows we are in the business of developing a team and winning trophies.
The cult of the individual is irrelvent and a bit of a sideshow.
I reckon Brands knew he was coming here months ago if not 2 years ago
I also reckon he knew that Silva was going to manager and he indicated to Moshiri that he was ok with this , maybe even suggested it
Therefore between him and Silva they knew what was needed and had plans in place
Let’s be honest here even the fans knew we needed 2 CBs , a LB a LW and a reserve goalkeeper.
We got those and Bernard and Gomes were extra that cost little or nothing
The best America sitcom of the last 20 yrs and the standard against which all future American sitcoms will be judged onThe Seinfield reference is lost on me mate. My fault, not yours.
Not sure I follow.Ever heard of Jerry Jones?