Player Valuation: £70m
An interesting point about him being a charismatic inspirational leader.Ive been wading though some of the “stuff” printed about Silva ve the last couple of years and in particular trying to understand what heppened at Watford. Many of us seem to think it is evidence of a weakness in his ability when actually i think it may just be the opposite.
By all accounts he is a great man manager. Players like him. They want to play for him. He apparently creates a strong bond with his squad almost immediately. This is what happens when a leader has the extra factor. Not just a good coach BUT inspirational leader. Leaders like this appear in all walks of life not jus football. They make a difference. What they do create is a sense for the players who work with him of being “touched moved and inspired” by his vision and leadership.
Players believe in him. Their actions reflect his vision and belief.
So how the as t was the case at Watford do players react whe he brings them under his spell and then seemingly jilts them after 8 games or so for greener pastures....its a messy break up...
I think he is exactly what we need right now. Just as we ended a Sam like figure to pull us out of the thinkable we now need an Inspirational easer to pull us together
I think he may be it
Whoever comes in, I'm going to do my best to be positive about. We need a new manager who helps make that possible.