Homepage Update: Martinez: Everton players fear Goodison Crowd

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The atmosphere in the ground maybe bad at times but when you look at the city game in the cup the atmosphere was totally differnt why look who was in goal.

This is Everton football club.The manager and players are being paid money that the vast of us will never earn in a lifetime to deliver performances and results.If people can't deal with the pressure and expectation that comes with managing and playing for a club like Everton then my advice to them is to get out of the kitchen.It was the reffs fault last and apparently it's our fault this week.Excuses excuses excuses.
I get what he's saying to an extent, even if he's gone around it the wrong way. I haven't been to as many games as I'd like in the past 2 years, working weekends puts paid to that, but after every game whether we'd won, drew or lost I'd have a headache from having to listen to a load of vitriol aimed at the players the entire game. The United game this season was the final straw for me as I did something I never dreamt I'd do, I snapped back at fellow blues as I was that fed up of having them yelling down my ear every five minutes, almost resulting in me having my head kicked in for doing so. I pay my money to enjoy a game of football for 2 hours and now I just think its not worth the money anymore to put up with people like that

The pressure has clearly got to the guy though which is a sad sight to see, the pieces are in place for a great team and it just doesn't seem to want to click together at times. A lot of it stems, in my opinion anyway, from the fact that many of our fans just have never taken to Martinez from the get go and are using our current issues as their justification for being right. Don't ever recall, even after that dreadful 03/04 season, fans being so against Moyes as they have been with Martinez in a 3 season span

Spot on, I've stated on here many times that I stopped going to the match due to the fans, they are just a bunch of jerks. Plus all they want to see is hoof and hoof and don't like Martinez and not give him a chance.

Martinez had now riled them up even more now. His players now needs to win for him or the heat will get hotter.

Thing is ye know Bill is sympathising with Bob about the fans in private..

'oh I know Roberto, you're right, it's definitely the fans, they have been on my case for years. But don't worry I'm still here and so will you. Tell me again how we are getting champions league I love when you whisper it softly in my ear.'
The manager is right, there are some absolute whoppers at the games these days.

Guy next to me slating Barkley when he chose to go sideways when there was all that movement ahead of him...

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