On the basis that if a player did it he would probably get sent off, then yes I agree in that respect. But I think players get sent off far too easily sometimes. For me ,there should be intent to cause harm and I don't think there was here.
Not sure if Robertson actually laid a hand on him, but he was certainly intimidating him and invading his space with his face, which is what triggered the reaction. But he's gotten off scott free in the media and, like you, that's what annoys me more. Same with the reaction to the Paris CL final. Yes we all know that UEFA are incompetent, and we all know what the French police are like. But would any of that have happened if 25000 RS fans hadn't tried to get in the stadium with forged tickets?. Happens every time with them too, and they always get away with it and it's somebody else's fault. Everybody else's fault in fact.