Welcome back Wayne
Do you remember when you "worked " for a living and somehow the world got by without you running errands ? Well it will if you don't taxi everyone around and all the other stuff you fill your day with ! I accept it is lovely to be wanted and needed but you must take some time out each day .
When I was young I was promoted very fast and the pressure of looking after over a hundred builders at 24 was getting to me ,I went to the doctors with asthma and asked him about the stress ,he told me if you take 20 minutes per day doing absolutely nothing you will be fine ,I never managed that but I tried ,I now see that in you -no not the young bit ! Stay safe and just try a bit .
I do Blue. But as the Corporate Officer for Projects I ran all the projects around the world for GEC and Marconi via 18 regional project directors. These guys and ladies covered many countries and every time zone so my day consisted of calls and emails coming in every hour. Many a time my wife would come back down down from bed at 3 or 4 in the morning to tell me to come to bed. Stress doesn’t really bother me as I’ve lived with it my whole life, but being a bit older now I still take control of situations, as I always have, but it now tires me out, which it never did. That’s the difference.
I do appreciate your concern btw, it’s much appreciated and it does make me think. However today, another friend offered to pick up my mate from hospital, he’s now home and feeling ok. As a result I got to pick up my granddaughter from school, take her home and see my grandson as well. I’ve had a really good day. Had a great time in the pub with friends and I’ll sleep tonight . I may still beat you to the first post mind