Welcome back Wayne
Sorry guys, I meant to post. Been trying to support my sister with dad, he's got vascular dementia, it took for that diagnosis to come through for her to start getting somewhere as they were happy to pile him off on her despite her health conditions. She's really stressed and it's making her ill and his true personality is shining through, nasty and horrible man he is.
Just had a phone call saying my neighbour(the one who makes me xmas dinner) had died, I feel a bit bad as she tried ringing me a couple of times last few days and I didn't answer and I hope she didn't need help.
Anyway, I'm ok just fed up of being at home all the time but it is what it is.
Sorry to hear about your sister and your dad, especially the grief and stress it gives your sister. Your dad will be ok anyway as at some point he’ll be living in his own little world in his mind. It really sounds as though she needs assistance and your dad putting in a home tbh. I assume you are in touch with Age U.K. dementia support, they are excellent when needed.
You’re having a bit of a rough time and it’s a shame about your neighbour. Look after yourself….