Yeah she's not too bad thanks G. Still in pain and still hobbling so no 5 mile walks but she says it's getting better and she is able to weight bear moreMorning all, beautiful cloudless sky here, our reward for all the rubbish weather of the last few weeks and also means that sun shining at the front of the house makes it too hot for the husband to paint.
@jazzy , how is Mrs J’s toe? Hope it’s healing.
Have a good day, all.
I just hope she thinks that bloody rug is worth it!
In other news we had a baby badger in the garden. The local badger rescue are taking it away and will try to find the set ( probably it the woods next to us. Mum thought it was a raccoon
@anjelikaferrett Incredibly hot today went to 35° at one point , fortunately we had a bit of a breeze.
Have a lovely day everyone.