Well....when I was 16 I was England ranked but was never good enough to play for the national team. I played for the county and town teams.
I've played ( and lost to!) some truly exceptional players and even some you might have heard of - Chester Barnes , Desmond Douglas, Dennis Neale and a European No1 .
In terms of pure stroke play I'm at least as good now , in fact by back hand is much better . However I had a very lengthy break from the game of about 37 years before I returned to playing when I was 55.
You lose so much in that time and with age, particularly reflexes ( at a high level the sport is very quick) and of course speed and mobility. Although I should say that my coach says that I am still very quick around the table , in fact too quick as according to him I need to take my time and be more considered in my shot selection and movement.
Interestingly despite being very competitive I have lost a lot of my drive, focus and intensity that made me the player that I was.
I still play to win but I am much much more interested in enjoying it now , winning isn't everything, which it used to be.
Your eyesight goes as well ( playing in glasses is possible but difficult for an attacking player like me ) and that makes it much harder to read spin especially off an elite players serves.
But I remain fit , play to a decent standard and enjoy it. In actual fact I'm far more use now as an administrator than a player !
Sorry for the long reply BL ......but you did ask
