Messymascot's faith in humanity and ginger safe haven

Good afternoon comrades, and a Merry Christmas (or whatever the acceptable Finnish term is) to @blue1948.

I have nogged some eggs and am just waiting for that to cool before I properly chill it in the fridge before folding through some whipped egg whites and serving later once the kids are in bed.

About to start the gravy. I’ve used Jamie Oliver’s “get ahead gravy” for years and absolutely swear by it.

I will keep providing these updates that nobody asked for, throughout the day.
Good afternoon comrades, and a Merry Christmas (or whatever the acceptable Finnish term is) to @blue1948.

I have nogged some eggs and am just waiting for that to cool before I properly chill it in the fridge before folding through some whipped egg whites and serving later once the kids are in bed.

About to start the gravy. I’ve used Jamie Oliver’s “get ahead gravy” for years and absolutely swear by it.

I will keep providing these updates that nobody asked for, throughout the day.
Excellent. Please do. I'm enjoying knowing what other folks are doing today. My gravy is instant I'm afraid. Might have to have a look at Jamie Oliver gravy.
Excellent. Please do. I'm enjoying knowing what other folks are doing today. My gravy is instant I'm afraid. Might have to have a look at Jamie Oliver gravy.
Definitely do. It’s amazing, adaptable and ridiculously easy (especially if you bang it out ahead of time).

My Christmas Eve is short bursts of effort all day, followed by even shorter bursts on Chrimbo day. Stress free. Apart from the kids/presents, etc, of course.
Thanks, she does really keep me going when I'm struggling, she's so funny as well, Beagles are cheeky little buggers and she always gives me a belly laugh, whether she's robbing my socks or telling me off if she doesn't like the way she's walking lol she's a belter, I am blessed to have her.
One of my work colleagues has a beagle. He quite often gatecrashes our team meetings if she leaves the door open!

Evening mascoteers … funny old day today .. went to my local supermarket… Almunecar south of Granada … ind had to resign myself to no turkey for Christmas Day !
I’m dining alone but I am really determined to make the best fist of it I can .. so I’ve bought a decent sized chicken and most of the veg was easy to source … except sprouts …. Bah humbug live em hate em they are important on Xmas dinner
Pigs in blankets ….. going to of necessity be Spanish sausage wrapped in iberico ham …. I’m hoping it works
Xmas pud … my daughter who thinks of all things and must be obeyed and cherished in equal measure….. his one In my suitcase along with a selfie card of my precious grand daughter … custard or brandy sauce ? You tell me !!!!
So it’s looking goood
I’ll paint tomorrow to celebrate
Spanish sausage wrapped in iberico ham would be a fantastic tapas. so there's absolutely no reason why it shouldn't work with a roast chicken. Must be the poshest pig in blanket ever. lol You may even start a new trend over there.
Well we caught it early so other than a bent toe and a few off days she has done very well ,she has a cousin who is crippled with it ,so sad to see and a lovely woman ,she has a friend that they put in -100 °c to help that is why our pool is not heated as we want it as cold as we can ,it is also good for my old knees as cold water releases natural cortizone and the lower the better for the temperature .My record is +2.6°c and that is almost a hole in the stomach cold .
Lots of people down here go sea swimming all year round. There is a rule of thumb that says that you should not stay in the water any longer than the water temperature. So for example, if the water is 12 degrees centigrade, you shouldn't stay in for longer than 12 minutes.
Good morning all. I've been at work since 5.30 am. So the start early, finish early plan is working. I've just rejected the idea of opening the brandy cream and putting a generous measure in my coffee....I am at work after all. lol

I'm going to cook the ham for dinner tomorrow, today. The logistics won't allow the turkey and the ham to be cooked on the same day. Honey and mustard glaze I reckon.

I've got my Christmas scented wax melts in the burner so everywhere has a Christmassy smell. I'm about to put Baby Jesus in the wooden Advent calendar - had it for years. The kids used to fight over who put the best things on. It was usually a row between who did the donkey and who got Baby Jesus. They can't be arsed now so me and Mr F do it. We don't fight about a donkey though.

Other than that I may indulge in some wine later. Tonight's tea is pick and mix, packs of 12 and mini from Iceland. Put in oven, take out, help yourselves.
Have a lovely day all. X
Brought a little smile to my face that Anj. We always cooked the ham on Christmas eve, and indeed finished off having basted with a mustard and honey glaze (had to be Dijon). Christmas eve night tea was always a ham sandwich, with the ham still slightly warm and very juicy. With mustard (English) of course.

Thanks ,the language is the hard part I have still not mastered it by any stretch of the imagination .Not to bore you but almost all words have up to 200 different endings ,yes it is different but not so much really and almost all speak English ,the dark cold nights are the payment for the long hot days in summer ,we can have +30° and more in the summer and sit in the garden until about 3 a.m. watching deer walk past ,so as everything in life it is a trade off .It is nowhere near as bad as you think and the Gurdian once did a travel survey and Finland was found to be an undiscovered gem .
I hope you all have a great time and good luck with the dog .
It amazes me how well practically all Scandinavian people speak English. Even the youngsters. They must start learning in their infancy.
Thanks Gwladys, my eldest daughter isn't too bad but her partner got hot with a blinding headache for a couple okays but he's on the mend now, they have 2 little ones at 2 and 9 who are negative so far.

Lovely story about your neighbour it's nice when your kids grow up with nice people like that in their lives.
I'd forgotten to mention earlier, that is my parents 65th wedding anniversary today, they argue everyday but they'd be totally lost without each othe?
Dear @larbert toffee I hope your parents had a lovely 65 wedding anniversary, that’s quite an accomplishment. Have a great time visiting and taking care of them when you go to Merseyside next week.

Thanks sass, I'd like to say I get used to the pain but I really don't lol, because of what it is and where it is it effects different parts of the body at different times, my spine is crumbling basically, the discs anyway and I'm not even 50, used to be incredibly fit, very sporty and did gym.

I did have a lot of anatomical problems when I was a kid mainly legs though so i guess i shouldn't be surprised at the other end of life I get problems again.

I still think I'm too bloody young for this though it sucks.

Talking about being kind too older folks and such, my neighbour must feel sorry for me, cooks me a roast dinner now and again and she's about 70, there are still some kind people, she was also very supportive of me when I was having anti-social behaviour problems at the start of summer.
@Terrarian pain is not something that I would get used to either. I’m sorry you have to endure so much at such a young age. Did your spine get injured? My husband had a really bad a car accident when he was 16 that messed his spine so he himself lives with a lot of pain, I’m fearful what’s going to happen to him as he gets older.

While there is a lot of horrible human beings, there are also so many that have goodwill and show kindness towards others, such as your neighbor. It is people like her that can make a great difference on a person’s life without realizing it.

She is a cutie!

My last day of working away from home tomorrow after having followed Mr Tebbit’s advice for about 28 of the last 33 years give or take. Maybe a couple of days in January working from home, then proper retirement. Have I got enough money, no idea, but as this thread has shown there is a time to say enough and live a little.
Congrats! Time to live a little more :)
Last photo....I promise.

But here's the little fella that's causing me so much worry.
Why are you making such promises. There is nothing wrong with showing us your learned task here at GOT, not matter how much people are tease about it, pics add a new layer of vision to the forum.

Btw, your fella is a nice one. I hope all goes well with the outcome of his x-rays
Aye. Both heading towards 80 and still run rings round the rest of us. Mum has had a few scares over the years, breast cancer being the main one, but you would never have known, she never complained once and her positive outlook at all times was a real help to the rest of us in dealing with it.
Dad still chooses to work 3 days a week supplying the ships stores in the Freeport with their fresh produce, loads of heavy lifting and physical work. He loves it the madman lollol

Absolute legends the pair of them?
They indeed sound like a pair of legends, how sweet.

I’m just curious if they also love cannabis as much as we do? lol

Talking of old films...its tradition in the Jazzy house that we MUST watch It's a Wonderful Life every Christmas Eve evening without fail.

As my mum says ..."you must know wvery word by now" and yes we do !!

"Buffalo Girls won't you come out tonight"......
That’s such a lovely movie, I haven’t watch it in so that seems like a good movie to watch with the family while gathering the next few days.
Evening mascoteers … funny old day today .. went to my local supermarket… Almunecar south of Granada … ind had to resign myself to no turkey for Christmas Day !
I’m dining alone but I am really determined to make the best fist of it I can .. so I’ve bought a decent sized chicken and most of the veg was easy to source … except sprouts …. Bah humbug live em hate em they are important on Xmas dinner
Pigs in blankets ….. going to of necessity be Spanish sausage wrapped in iberico ham …. I’m hoping it works
Xmas pud … my daughter who thinks of all things and must be obeyed and cherished in equal measure….. his one In my suitcase along with a selfie card of my precious grand daughter … custard or brandy sauce ? You tell me !!!!
So it’s looking goood
I’ll paint tomorrow to celebrate
Sounds like a great plan, enjoy your food and the painting. Xx

Happy chrimbi eve messketeers - hope you're having a good one!

Is it wrong that I am ecstatic that the sodding elf on the shelf goes back to the north pole later?
I feel like a bad mum because I never was willing to give in to the Elf on the shelf tradition but I’m glad I didn’t after seeing my best friend going through it. You are a good dad for it.

Happy Christmas Eve everyone. The husband and I are gearing ourselves up for the present swap this evening. This involves waiting until two sets of grandkids are in bed/bath, dropping presents off and putting in parents car boot, then repeat procedure at other house. Wasn’t too bad in previous years as one set lived over the road from us but they have now moved 10 miles away. Eldest is 13 so we don’t have to keep the secret for him but the youngest is only 5 so we’ll be doing this for a few more years but who wants to sit and relax on Christmas Eve anyway lol. Hope the weather clears for you @Barnfred 55, be thinking of you over the holiday. Enjoy the day everyone whatever you are doing.
Have a great time exchanging presents this evening, you are great parents for going through all this effort this for your grandkids ?

Morning everyone.

I'll be making Christmas log today with the kids, which has been a bit of a family tradition since they were small. My son is now 19 and my daughter 16, so I'm pleasantly surprised they still want to take part in making it. The recipe is originally from my wife's family in Malta.

My son was out last night, but lost his key, and was banging on the front door for half an hour before my wife finally woke up and let him in at 4am. I was blissfully unaware and slept through it.

Hope all you lovely people have a great day.
Malta Christmas logs, sounds like a recipe would like to have :D
That's a beautiful piece of music.

Wherever you may roam, Merry Christmas Karl.
Thank you for this thread and all you blessed us with xx

Now, whoever is cutting onions could you stop....
Well said, Tommye!

I have nogged some eggs and am just waiting for that to cool before I properly chill it in the fridge before folding through some whipped egg whites and serving later once the kids are in bed.
Making your own eggnog, now that’s impressive. How hard is it?
a Chara, Tommy that'd be a great idea, i mentioned your idea about the funeral costs but they never mentioned it, they're more worried about the funeral and any further restrictions that may be put on it. The funerals not until 7th January so hopefully there will no more restrictions. I think your idea about anybody wanting to donate to a cancer charity on Karls behalf is a great idea though mate. Hows your mum keeping?? I hope your trip overhere was good and shes feeling much better now. Merry Christmas to you and the family. Nollaig Shona Daoibh. ?
In all fairness mate it was @roydo 's idea about the cancer charity, I merely agreed.

She's doing sound, thanks for asking, her lungs are clearing up, one free of nonsense now and the other is on the mend. She's went to Spain for Christmas to get away from it all, spoke to her last night.

Had a belting time over in Omeath, managed to get a drink in the old man's haunt and buy drinks for his old friends. We won't be laying his ashes to rest there until the old dear is ready and we need to sort out the nuances/permissions first due to the archaic land rules there.

Anyway, absolute gods country!

Nollaig shona to you and yours, slainte.
Merry Christmas Eve everyone. You are a bunch of productive posters, I have spent the past couple of hours trying to catch up to this trend to the detriment of my family who still is waiting for me to make breakfast lol

We are back to the US safely and Covid free too, well at least for now. Yesterday we got to celebrate my daughter’s birthday with all the family that came over to see her and most of us are still here at my mum’s as we are to have a Christmas celebration tonight, Colombians celebrate on the 24th then we will be back home tomorrow so our daughter can open the gifts Santa left for her there. I really need to get my gears lighten up so I can help my aunt with the cooking but I shall return in a bit to read how is everyone’s day is going. Until them sending a big hug to everyone here. Xx


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