Hello everybody. There's a lot of positivity around here at the moment. It's lovely. I've got everything crossed that Kay gets home for Christmas. I'm sure she will.
I've been swimming tonight. I'm actually enjoying this form of exercise and I'm also liking the whole set up of Bannatynes. This can only be a good thing. I've also been to drop off my last couple of presents so I think I'm pretty much done. I don't know if I've told you but we are doing Christmas Day on Christmas Eve - Charlotte is working on Christmas Day so we're doing everything a day early.
I've been swimming tonight. I'm actually enjoying this form of exercise and I'm also liking the whole set up of Bannatynes. This can only be a good thing. I've also been to drop off my last couple of presents so I think I'm pretty much done. I don't know if I've told you but we are doing Christmas Day on Christmas Eve - Charlotte is working on Christmas Day so we're doing everything a day early.