Messymascot's faith in humanity and ginger safe haven

Good morning ,yes Finland is expensive I think .It is confusing because Iwas once told the the McDonalds hamburger is a sign of the cost of living ,here they are from about 3€ for an El Maco but when I look at lidl prices in the UK they are slightly higher .Eating out is something we haven't done in years but most people eat a real lunch which is a buffet ,eat all you want and that is about 10€ an evening meal the highest rated in our town is this :-View attachment 151009

Which brings me to the pubs ,as they are 10 miles away we don't go and alchohol is expensive here but the taxis are crazy high prices .to the airport from the last house was 15 miles and the fare one way was 50€ .
I get all tv I want as I have an app but it is possible to get the same satellite channels here on the west side of Finland.They do show a fair amount of UK series here that are subtitled in Finnish .We have started watching "The landscapers " last night .
So to sum it up we don't go anywhere but the shops and walking/fishing . Mostly it is due to covid but she won't let me pay 100€ for a meal with a bottle when we can have a better meal and a better wine at home for half the price.
That's exactly my feelings that's why I end up cooking a lot. I don't mind paying good money for a decent meal and wine but I hate spending all sorts of money eating out and feeling like you could do much better at home.

I think it would be in "The Guiness book of records " as it is 1500 miles across the sea .
Are you trying to imply that we better get something steadier than a simple charra? lol

Good morning all, wet and miserable morning following a hard frost last night, restless night for me.
I will miss the game today as I'm working, not exactly brimming with confidence.
Day off tomorrow, hope it won't be raining then at least I can go for a decent walk which is what I'm needing to blow the cobwebs off.
Hope everyone has a good day and we get a result to make everyone happy.
I tried to watch the game yesterday and was happy with the result, but we won again because of individual performances by some players not because of Benitez tactical genius plan.

Cold and wet here.

Having a cup of tea in bed and catching up with the news and what I've missed on here.

Eventually caught up with everything on this thread. Didn't realise that @Gwladysover was a fellow veggie.

Sounds like @anjelikaferrett had a lovely evening , made up for you.

Sad day on the thread yesterday but thanks to @Reedy1979 for his posts.

Is it a forum record that we've gone more than 24 hours since we heard from @Sassy Colombian , hope you are OK , perhaps she's tied up

Thanks to @blue1948
for his fascinating insights into life in rural Finland.

So , Hull away in the FA Cup on BBC so the whole nation can see how crap we are. Not looking forward to it to be honest.

Anyway I hope everyone has a good weekend.
It actually it's not, Jazzy. Back in September I stopped posting for several weeks, that's why when you were catching up to this thread there was a good while that I wasn't posting. I was having hesitations about returning to GOT due to some issues that I was encountering with some posters but during this time that I was away, I kept in touch with Karl and my other good mate @Spadge Vernacular and it was them the ones who encouraged me to return. With everything that was happening to Karl he still took the time to check on me and cheer me up during this time, he was my rock.

Yes mate, all went well until coming off the M6 onto the M58 where she was gridlocked for an hour, it's something of a nightmare around there at the moment.
They're doing roadworks there which in itself isn't too bad but if there's a breakdown or an accident it causes a major snarl up.
My mum and dad were pleased to see her and the fact she made them bangers and mash soon after arriving cheered them up even more.
How thoughtful of your daughter, it seems like you and your wife have raised a caring young lady.

Did you mean tied up or actually tied up?
LT, tbh I wish I had been tied up instead of being sick

Maybe I should have stopped on thursday
I have stomach ache and it was self inflicted
I know exactly what you mean. I love sweets too so I can get in trouble specially if I'm feeling sad then anything sugary makes me feel much better until it doesn't anymore lol

Terrible match anje but we won. I played poorly but won 2 out of 3. Now effectively self isolating by not playing ping pong before we go away to minimise the chance of infection.

Mrs J much better thanks.
Sorry to hear you had a poor match but great to read that Mrs. J is finally starting to feel better

I have been to Hull and back. Once played an FA Amateur Cup game against Reckitt and Colman in Hull. We won 10 - 0. R&C were very hospitable and all our players and officials got a large complimentary parcel of their products. We are not too bad, thank you for your enquiry. Our house move will start to build up over the next three or four weeks, so just hope for a bit more improvement in health before it happens. I have two sons and two daughters and all, plus daughters in law and sons in law and grandkids are going to be here for the move. They are going to dump me and her indoors in youngest daughter's house (150 yards from our new one) for the period of the move, so no physical stuff, just mental stress!
Hope all is well with you.
It seems you have an army of family helping and making sure the move goes well so while I'm sure it is stressful it seems you and your stuff is in good hands so try to not let the mental stress get you and or Mrs. M.
Born into two families of Evertonians. It wasn't an option. I've no idea why my Dad's Irish family chose Everton after coming over from Ireland but they did. My maternal Grandparents were both Scousers. Both Evertonians. My Grandad stopped going to the match in 1933 when someone peed down the back of his best suit! I was never sure which surprised me more - the weeing incident or wearing your best suit for the match! My Nan, who never set foot in Goodison in her whol 80 years, was the most bitter biased Evertonian you could meet.

I met Mr F through mutual friends who I worked with in Birkenhead. One was from Dewsbury and he hooked up with my friend from West Kirby. They moved to Dewsbury, got married and had a joint stag and hen do. I went, Mr F went as a friend of another bloke who was there, who had also worked with us but had transferred to Durham Land Registry- he was from County Durham. The rest as they say is history! When we got married it was far easier for me to transfer my job from Birkenhead to Durham than for him to quit his job and start looking in Liverpool.
Lovely story. Blue is in your vains, Ange.

That’s not an image I want in my head.
Nor did I, now I have been traumatized forever lol
That's exactly my feelings that's why I end up cooking a lot. I don't mind paying good money for a decent meal and wine but I hate spending all sorts of money eating out and feeling like you could do much better at home.

Are you trying to imply that we better get something steadier than a simple charra? lol

I tried to watch the game yesterday and was happy with the result, but we won again because of individual performances by some players not because of Benitez tactical genius plan.

It actually it's not, Jazzy. Back in September I stopped posting for several weeks, that's why when you were catching up to this thread there was a good while that I wasn't posting. I was having hesitations about returning to GOT due to some issues that I was encountering with some posters but during this time that I was away, I kept in touch with Karl and my other good mate @Spadge Vernacular and it was them the ones who encouraged me to return. With everything that was happening to Karl he still took the time to check on me and cheer me up during this time, he was my rock.

How thoughtful of your daughter, it seems like you and your wife have raised a caring young lady.

LT, tbh I wish I had been tied up instead of being sick

I know exactly what you mean. I love sweets too so I can get in trouble specially if I'm feeling sad then anything sugary makes me feel much better until it doesn't anymore lol

Sorry to hear you had a poor match but great to read that Mrs. J is finally starting to feel better

It seems you have an army of family helping and making sure the move goes well so while I'm sure it is stressful it seems you and your stuff is in good hands so try to not let the mental stress get you and or Mrs. M.

Lovely story. Blue is in your vains, Ange.

Nor did I, now I have been traumatized forever lol
Didn't know you had a self enforced break from GOT. I presume it was that Ahole Reddington .
I'm cooking that strange taste chicken dish tonight Brett, so I'll pop over to the Sassy thread now and do the recipe. If I have time I'll do my Chinese fried rice recipe too.

The chicken is marinating and I've cooked the rice which is probably the hardest part to get right. I'm happy to say it is cooked to perfection ;)

Now to cook my tea. I'm starving lol
Didn't know you had a self enforced break from GOT. I presume it was that Ahole Reddington .
TBH, it wasn't just him. Unfortunately there a few posters here that don't like me and I'm the kind of person that tries to get along with everyone so I was feeling down about it. But Karl cheered me up and was very supportive during this time, receiving his emails those few weeks while I was away made a great difference.

Talking of lottery numbers you think its a coincidence that since we gave @Sassy Colombian all our lucky lottery numbers we haven't heard a peep from her.
Perhaps she won the lottery and has run off to the middle East to be with James?
Just wondering.......
Lol, If won the lottery you all will be the first people to know and I will be bringing you all but not to Qatar but to a more tropical holiday place.
Well I gave her 3 and 7 and they came out for me tonight.
Lol, to be fair Toast, those were also my lucky number, well 3 is and my daughter's is 7, my husband's is 14.

Morning all you lovely people ,

I hope that you slept well after that nightmare of an Everton performance .

So , I booked myself onto today's yoga session forgetting that I'm supposed to be self isolating to avoid infection. Woke in a panic so cancelled that , strange world we are living in now.

Cold and wet here today. Lying in bed listening to England trying to save the 4th test. With 2 wickets to go and about 5 overs I can't help but think that's its a forlorn struggle.

Have a nice day everyone.
On Thursday I was getting ready to go to the gym when I realized that was probably not wise on my part to put anyone at risk in case the hubby did have Covid. I wish everyone was as conscious as some of us during this pandemic, if so we may be in a better place.

Following the success of "Where's Wally " , apparently called "Where's Wando" in the States ,a new version this time with a female wearing an Everton shirt and blue and white scarf is being introduced for the South American Market called " Where's @Sassy Colombian?"

Should do well.


No , I didn't dissect them in that way blue , just gobbled them up!

Mrs J still complaining about her ear but the course of anti biotics is yet to finish.

As ever thanks for your concern!
She has been dealing with her ear issue for too long, I thought by now the antibiotics will begin doing their magic. Does Mrs. J has another follow up appointment with her doctor soon? Before the trip to the Caribbean?

Yes mate, my daughter is coming home sometime today, my dad who's the main concern at the moment is improving slightly as his injuries from his fall are slowly healing but he's being overwhelmed by short periods of depression which do seem to be lessening as the medication is slowly kicking in.
Thank you for your kind thoughts towards them but between them they're able to get by with the assistance we are giving them at the moment.
It is only now I fully appreciate the work my brother must put in on a day to day basis as well as his full time job.
I hope your dad continues recovering from his injuries and that his short periods of depression become tiny until they all disappear for good.

You have no idea how much I would love to be doing that walk now. God I miss Liverpool.
Where do you live now @Armaghtoffee
All I can say Sassy is I hope you and hubby get better soon and back to your normal bubbly self.
We missed you?

Get well soon. Hope you both feel better soon x

Sorry to hear that Sass. I, probably like most on here, assumed you were busy updating your CV and completing your job application.

Take care and hope you and hubby get better soon.

Sending love ❤

Missed you too, Sassy. Hope you are both better soon?

Afternoon all. That lovely, relaxed Chrimbo period seems so long ago now, I feel like I’ve lost the thread of this, well, thread now.

Been straight back into the old routine, which I’m not sad about as I’m back at the gym and getting some peace and quiet from my little angels so less stress and working off those Chrimbo KGs.

Anyway, got lamb shoulder roasting in the oven and a cobbler ready to chuck in once dinner is served. Also prepping lunches for the week for me and the wife. Kids are at their nanny’s so getting what I can done but making sure to have 5 mins sit down here and there.

Hope life is good for everyone else in here (and every other thread; I don’t discriminate!).

Get well soon @Sassy Colombian and Señor Sassy, whatever your ailments.
OK, that's my good deed for the day!

Just back from Formby having reorganised and restocked the charity shop after Mrs J deconstructed it.

You wouldn't believe the number of Sisan Boyle , Alfie Boe , Michelle Buble and Il Divo CDs that we have!!

Anyway time for some tea and toast and hopefully watch Forest beat Arsenal.

@Sassy Colombian great to have you back.
Hope you are both feeling better soon
I have finally catch up to this thread and our group is really an entertaining one. No wonder Karl considered us a perfect coffee/tea house. Thanks again for the good wishes and messages. I have been laying in bed the past few hours reading, laughing, and even crying. So many emotions we get to encounter on this thread, I just love it! That's why I would have not dared to skip all of your posts, they were very much worth reading. xx
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Lol, If won the lottery you all will be the first people to know and I will be bringing you all but not to Qatar but to a more tropical holiday place.

Lol, to be fair Toast, those were also my lucky number, well 3 is and my daughter's is 7, my husband's is 14.

On Thursday I was getting ready to go to the gym when I realized that was probably not wise on my part to put anyone at risk in case the hubby did have Covid. I wish everyone was as conscious as some of us during this pandemic, if so we may be in a better place.


She has been dealing with her ear issue for too long, I thought by now the antibiotics will begin doing their magic. Does Mrs. J has another follow up appointment with her doctor soon? Before the trip to the Caribbean?

I hope your dad continues recovering from his injuries and that his short periods of depression become tiny until they all disappear for good.

Where do you live now @Armaghtoffee

Born and raised in Armagh and have only ever lived here. Lucky to have been to around 100ish matches at Goodison and know the City well. Haven’t been since Covid and well let’s face it, the manager doesn’t inspire me to travel either.
I meant to answer this post last week so here it goes, along with an update about the job.
Sassy. From your recent posting I can tell that you have certain doubts about this position. To a man (and woman) everybody on here has been urging you to apply for this job, and that is not something I would necessarily disagree with. The process of applying and interviewing will be a great experience for you, and will also enable you to find out more about the position and what it entails. If you don't apply you may forever wonder what might have been.

But if you apply and are subsequently offered the position, I would urge you to seriously consider the pros and cons before accepting. The two most important questions are what you would need to give up if you took on the new role, and whether this is the right time for you. My experience tells me that this is not a once in a lifetime opportunity. Other's will present themselves to you; maybe not this year or even next year, but they will come.

I can't stress how important work/life balance is in contributing to your health and happiness. For me, that is more important than ambition and the additional wealth that usually accompanies it. Personally, I fully acknowledge that I definitely under achieved in my career, but I still undertook a very demanding job and feel I got the balance just about right. I don't have any regrets as Cal and I lived a very fulfilling life. As I said in an earlier post, I fully expect you to make the right decision for you at this moment in time. It's important that you aren't influenced by people who don't have a full insight to your situation and, more importantly, your feelings. ??
Fred have I ever tell you how much I love you? Thanks for taking the time to express this opinion about my job and offering a different perspective ? You are right, I am hesitant but not because of the job. I really think this position will be perfect for me. I also know I can make a difference and have the skills to increase my college's minority population if they give me the chance to do this work. So while the opportunity to make more money is very appealing, I'm not the kind of person that is driven by dinero, otherwise I would already be working in a private sector job. What's most appealing about this position is the opportunity to increase the makeup of minority student's population at my college and make a difference assisting these students getting enrolled in college. There is nothing like the good feeling you get when you have helped someone, specially one of those minority students, reached their academic goals. Doing all this while making more money is indeed very enticing. My hesitation comes from my fear of how this new job will affect my family life. I've been so devoted and committed to my family since my daughter was born that I am just afraid that things will not go as smoothly and once I am busy working full time that I will fail them. I'm afraid that I won't be able to find a good balance between work/family life. But it is just a fear that I need to overcome as my husband has been fully committed to offer additional support if I were to get the FT job. The past decade I have I definitely under achieved in my career and may have disappointed many people on the way that had expectations that by now I will be much farther, but I also don't have any regrets. Being here for my daughter has been the most important job that I have fulfilled the past decade but I also don't want to be resentful later in life about not pursuing other career opportunities so I went ahead and apply for the position. But if I get an interview and were to get the job offer then I assure you that I will seriously consider the pros and cons before accepting

Talking about the job, on Thursday before I succumbed to my illness I did get to submit my application and documents but I found today that only one person (me) I applied for the job so HR decided to repost the position. Now instead of being just an internal position that only college employees can apply to, it has become available for anyone that is qualified to apply. I'm not sure what to think about HR strategy, one would think that if I am the only person interested in the job and I'm fully qualified, and I have been working at the college for several years that they would just give me a chance but it seems they want to interview other people besides myself so I will have to wait to see what happens. Whatever it happens, like you say, it is not a once in a lifetime opportunity and other's will present themselves if this one doesn't work out.

Born and raised in Armagh and have only ever lived here. Lucky to have been to around 100ish matches at Goodison and know the City well. Haven’t been since Covid and well let’s face it, the manager doesn’t inspire me to travel either.
Wow, Armagh looks like a gorgeous Irish town and so do the green farmlands that surround it. Ireland is one of the countries in my bucket list, I hope one day soon I get to visit it. I'm not sure if you are aware but Irish volunteers played a central role in the wars in which Colombia gained independence from Spain, that along with our catholic roots makes Colombians very fond of the Irish people :)
Wow, Armagh looks like a gorgeous Irish town and so do the green farmlands that surround it. Ireland is one of the countries in my bucket list, I hope one day soon I get to visit it. I'm not sure if you are aware but Irish volunteers played a central role in the wars in which Colombia gained independence from Spain, that along with our catholic roots makes Colombians very fond of the Irish people :)
Armagh is a City I shall have you know ?. Well, an ecclesiastical city to be precise.

I live south of there, very close to the border.

Yes I was aware of the Irish links to Colombia and I will explain how. A family tree search (done professionally) revealed that I had a relation who fought in the Spanish Civil War and that sparked my interest in where else Irish fought in world conflicts. Seems like we liked to put ourselves about a bit ?
I meant to answer this post last week so here it goes, along with an update about the job.

Fred have I ever tell you how much I love you? Thanks for taking the time to express this opinion about my job and offering a different perspective ? You are right, I am hesitant but not because of the job. I really think this position will be perfect for me. I also know I can make a difference and have the skills to increase my college's minority population if they give me the chance to do this work. So while the opportunity to make more money is very appealing, I'm not the kind of person that is driven by dinero, otherwise I would already be working in a private sector job. What's most appealing about this position is the opportunity to increase the makeup of minority student's population at my college and make a difference assisting these students getting enrolled in college. There is nothing like the good feeling you get when you have helped someone, specially one of those minority students, reached their academic goals. Doing all this while making more money is indeed very enticing. My hesitation comes from my fear of how this new job will affect my family life. I've been so devoted and committed to my family since my daughter was born that I am just afraid that things will not go as smoothly and once I am busy working full time that I will fail them. I'm afraid that I won't be able to find a good balance between work/family life. But it is just a fear that I need to overcome as my husband has been fully committed to offer additional support if I were to get the FT job. The past decade I have I definitely under achieved in my career and may have disappointed many people on the way that had expectations that by now I will be much farther, but I also don't have any regrets. Being here for my daughter has been the most important job that I have fulfilled the past decade but I also don't want to be resentful later in life about not pursuing other career opportunities so I went ahead and apply for the position. But if I get an interview and were to get the job offer then I assure you that I will seriously consider the pros and cons before accepting

Talking about the job, on Thursday before I succumbed to my illness I did get to submit my application and documents but I found today that only one person (me) I applied for the job so HR decided to repost the position. Now instead of being just an internal position that only college employees can apply to, it has become available for anyone that is qualified to apply. I'm not sure what to think about HR strategy, one would think that if I am the only person interested in the job and I'm fully qualified, and I have been working at the college for several years that they would just give me a chance but it seems they want to interview other people besides myself so I will have to wait to see what happens. Whatever it happens, like you say, it is not a once in a lifetime opportunity and other's will present themselves if this one doesn't work out.
Like you Sass, I don't understand your employers actions here. In my opinion, the fact that you were the only applicant shouldn't have any bearing on the matter. You should have been interviewed for the role, and if you met their requirements offered the job. If you didn't, for whatever reason, you should have been given full feedback so you know what personal or professional skills you need to develop. At that stage they should have opened it up externally. They've handled this unprofessionally in my opinion, leaving you unsure of their opinion of you. It's a poor show and I've been there myself so I know how you are probably feeling. I do hope this works out for you Sass and, as I said, I'm fully confident you will make the right decision for you. I can tell you have fully thought it through.

If you do happen to make it down to Cornwall Sass, be clear that you and your family have somewhere to stay. If I'm still here that is. I am committed to staying where I am for at least the next 12 months, but I have not made a decision on my long term future yet and am not rushing into making one. I have plenty of room in the house and it is in the most beautiful part of Cornwall, and therefore the whole UK. In my considered opinion of course. Lots of things to do and places to eat, and lots of gorgeous beaches too. The water's probably a bit cold though.

Have you told me how much you love me?. I think not Sass. But please feel free to do so in picture format if you wish. lol

By the way, the offer of somewhere to stay applies to all my friends in here if you are ever down this way. I'd be glad of the company so it isn't putting me out.
Wow, Armagh looks like a gorgeous Irish town and so do the green farmlands that surround it. Ireland is one of the countries in my bucket list, I hope one day soon I get to visit it. I'm not sure if you are aware but Irish volunteers played a central role in the wars in which Colombia gained independence from Spain, that along with our catholic roots makes Colombians very fond of the Irish people :)
The main attraction must have been plenty of good alehouses.
I meant to answer this post last week so here it goes, along with an update about the job.

Fred have I ever tell you how much I love you? Thanks for taking the time to express this opinion about my job and offering a different perspective ? You are right, I am hesitant but not because of the job. I really think this position will be perfect for me. I also know I can make a difference and have the skills to increase my college's minority population if they give me the chance to do this work. So while the opportunity to make more money is very appealing, I'm not the kind of person that is driven by dinero, otherwise I would already be working in a private sector job. What's most appealing about this position is the opportunity to increase the makeup of minority student's population at my college and make a difference assisting these students getting enrolled in college. There is nothing like the good feeling you get when you have helped someone, specially one of those minority students, reached their academic goals. Doing all this while making more money is indeed very enticing. My hesitation comes from my fear of how this new job will affect my family life. I've been so devoted and committed to my family since my daughter was born that I am just afraid that things will not go as smoothly and once I am busy working full time that I will fail them. I'm afraid that I won't be able to find a good balance between work/family life. But it is just a fear that I need to overcome as my husband has been fully committed to offer additional support if I were to get the FT job. The past decade I have I definitely under achieved in my career and may have disappointed many people on the way that had expectations that by now I will be much farther, but I also don't have any regrets. Being here for my daughter has been the most important job that I have fulfilled the past decade but I also don't want to be resentful later in life about not pursuing other career opportunities so I went ahead and apply for the position. But if I get an interview and were to get the job offer then I assure you that I will seriously consider the pros and cons before accepting

Talking about the job, on Thursday before I succumbed to my illness I did get to submit my application and documents but I found today that only one person (me) I applied for the job so HR decided to repost the position. Now instead of being just an internal position that only college employees can apply to, it has become available for anyone that is qualified to apply. I'm not sure what to think about HR strategy, one would think that if I am the only person interested in the job and I'm fully qualified, and I have been working at the college for several years that they would just give me a chance but it seems they want to interview other people besides myself so I will have to wait to see what happens. Whatever it happens, like you say, it is not a once in a lifetime opportunity and other's will present themselves if this one doesn't work out.
That is a disappointing position that your college has taken.

Of course all the issues that you have set out regarding work / life balance are important and only you and your immediate family can decide what is right and when it is right.

Very best of luck with whatever avenue to decide to take.


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