That's exactly my feelings that's why I end up cooking a lot. I don't mind paying good money for a decent meal and wine but I hate spending all sorts of money eating out and feeling like you could do much better at home.
Are you trying to imply that we better get something steadier than a simple charra? lol
I tried to watch the game yesterday and was happy with the result, but we won again because of individual performances by some players not because of Benitez tactical genius plan.
It actually it's not, Jazzy. Back in September I stopped posting for several weeks, that's why when you were catching up to this thread there was a good while that I wasn't posting. I was having hesitations about returning to GOT due to some issues that I was encountering with some posters but during this time that I was away, I kept in touch with Karl and my other good mate
@Spadge Vernacular and it was them the ones who encouraged me to return. With everything that was happening to Karl he still took the time to check on me and cheer me up during this time, he was my rock.
How thoughtful of your daughter, it seems like you and your wife have raised a caring young lady.
LT, tbh I wish I had been tied up instead of being sick
I know exactly what you mean. I love sweets too so I can get in trouble specially if I'm feeling sad then anything sugary makes me feel much better until it doesn't anymore lol
Sorry to hear you had a poor match but great to read that Mrs. J is finally starting to feel better
It seems you have an army of family helping and making sure the move goes well so while I'm sure it is stressful it seems you and your stuff is in good hands so try to not let the mental stress get you and or Mrs. M.
Lovely story. Blue is in your vains, Ange.
Nor did I, now I have been traumatized forever lol