A lot of people in Cornwall have bad eyesight blue , yeah it's a legacy of working in the tin mines and eating too many pasties lolWas that the pub next to Specsavers ?
A lot of people in Cornwall have bad eyesight blue , yeah it's a legacy of working in the tin mines and eating too many pasties lolWas that the pub next to Specsavers ?
Morning Blue , yes I noticed from your posts how early you awake although you are 2 hours ahead I think ?Good morning all on this lovely day ,-22° here so just for @Sassy Colombian that is "Brass monkey weather "
Finally got the snow blower part yesterday but it is too cold to work outside on metal parts ,I will try this afternoon or tomorrow .I hope all have a fine and healthy day today .
Reading through the posts from yesterday it struck me how much of a meeting place this is ,nattering about whatever and not being made uneasy over your views .
I am trying to compare it to a place or time in the past but I am finding it hard .From being helped to helping ,from laughing at to laughing with and from explaining to having something explained ,I love to come on here .
Long may it continue .
I don't know if I have posted this before but the wife and I get up quite early and have a cuppa then we go back to bed to plan our day and the menu for the weekend -yes we do it everyday from Tuesday onwards and it does change -then we get up pool evercise and shower and the real day begins .
I have been retired 10 years almost and it took me the first five to stop feeling guilty about receiving money for doing nothing ,now I just enjoy showing this little plastic card and getting whatever I want .
Someone once said the retirement is so good they should make it compulsory for twenty year olds as they are young enough to get the best from it .
We started to watch the latest Bond movie but I thought it was riculous so we watched Gordon Ramsey ,I never liked him as although I swear Ithink there is a time and place and that TV isn't the place for effing and blinding ,we then bt chance found he had done a Christmas program in Finland ,we found it very good and we have since found some tours he has done with Gino and Fred -no not that one - and they are quite entertaining albeit a little childish ,I hope you all will find that as pensioner childish is actually very good ,they do say it is your second chilhood .
Have a great day .
Ha ha I'm in the posh bit whilst all Mrs J's relatives are sound ( another Scouse word for your vocabulary @Sassy Colombian )
No we aren’t very good but we are being held back by the waiter.I did everything in my power not to switch it off after 46 seconds though lol we aren't very good are we.
Well you will next time you visit Cornwall BlueNever met a scouser that said cukk or bukk .
This one was also pissedA lot of people in Cornwall have bad eyesight blue , yeah it's a legacy of working in the tin mines and eating too many pasties lol
Morning mate, this is a really useful but wonder if you your wools and plazzy scousers mixed up?
I didn't make it mate, I do believe it was chico on twitter a long time ago for a laughMorning mate, this is a really useful but wonder if you your wools and plazzy scousers mixed up?
I agree, retirement is best when you an old codger ( a word for you there @Sassy Colombian ) like me. Hope you continue to feel better.I wish I had retirement to look forward too, as it is it has been thrust upon me semi-retirement far too early and it doesn't have a good vibe, I'd much be out earning some money. It gets very draggy and days blend into each other.
It's a good thread this, like a little meeting place for idle chit chat, more of the same. Everton are causing enough troubles lol
No that’s right , Plazzy scousers from the Wirral and wools from anywhere right of huyton !Morning mate, this is a really useful but wonder if you your wools and plazzy scousers mixed up?
It is a point of debate but the scab labourers working the docks came from the Wirral, Runcorn as well as surrounding towns.No that’s right , Plazzy scousers from the Wirral and wools from anywhere right of huyton !