Try to check out the colours ,I worked on Osbourne house in Otterspool ! the owner was an architect and he done a plan that might win an RHS prize until they flowered and almost all were yellow but it was definitely not monochromatic .OK so here's my initial plant wish list that should suit a jungle garden in NW England
Burgmasia in pots
Fig Tree planted
Yellow and Black bamboos planted
Canas in pots
Ginger in pots
Trachycarpus planted
Day lollies planted
Tetrapanax in pot
Dahlias in pots
Echinacea planted
Musa Banana planted
Campsis planted
Traciospernum planted.
It's only a small are but think I need to pack the plants in to give it an enclosed jungle feel. What do you think @Barnfred 55 ?
You should think about bourgainville ,and think about the profile of the beds ,usually high going down to low from the middle and from the back but not always .
You can plant to hide something and plant to show off the same thing .