I agree. We opened our borders to newer EU member states several years before the germans (in particular) did. The germans don't mention that, conveniently.
Again, I agree. The balkans was a european rather than a religious problem to the gulf states. Nevermind that their muslim brothers & sisters were being butchered.
Iraq's invasion of Kuwait was the whole world's problem, according to the arab world. When the US/coalition forces based themselves in Saudi (At THEIR invitation) they were told to keep the Israelis from retaliating against unprovoked iraqi scud attacks (Conventional or chemical, it didn't matter) - or they could sod off from Arab soil????!!!!!
Yet they don't lift a finger to help the palestinians.
And then there was East Timor; where Christians were being massacred wholesale by muslims. What did the gulf states do? They didn't say a dicky-bird. Not a peep.
No matter how it's painted - the west are always the villains. The muslim world complain the west is the world's policeman, and complain when they're not clearing up their problems.