Not quite. But what is whining like a little bitch going to do about it?
Speaking as an American, this is going to be problematic. NBC just bought rights to air Premier League matches in the US, which means 1.) There will be a lot more people watching football and a lot more exposure for all clubs, 2.) A lot of potential Everton supporters will be watching matches, which inevitably means 3.) Many Americans' first exposure to Everton will be with this unfortunate crest. You know what they say about first impressions, right? .... 4.) They become Chelsea supporters instead.
If I'm being pessimistic, we lose a lot of potential supporters and merchandise revenue in America.
A whole lot of perfect people posting in this thread. Never made mistakes at all in their lives.
What are you on about Bruce :huh:
Viewers there select a team to support based on the prettiness of the badge? That's not painting American sports fans in a very good light.
Just gets my goat mate. We had a lot of people saying the club dropped a clanger on this. Then the club admit they did, and people have a go at them for doing that as well.
I just reckon the club get a bad rap. Of course they're not perfect, but they do quite a lot of things pretty well. We're fans for a reason, right?
Am I correct in thinking the new badge will be on both ends of the main stand, and the Bullens Road end for at least a season?
I'd of been impressed if the petitions had made the club immediately remove all of the current logo. But I knew they would never do it, they couldn't. They've done pretty much what someone pointed out, an apology and said they will change the badge next season and consult more fans
Massive cock up in the first place as many have also pointed out.
Lets be honest here though, the world is full of large organisations ignoring the protests of a chunk of their customers/employees/stakeholders.
Whether that's people protesting about corps not paying enough tax or governments going on illegal wars etc. That Everton have changed their minds on this one is more about the way they conduct themselves than anything the fans have done. So many other organisations would have simply ignored any protestations.
That they are still getting stick on here for admitting to a mistake beggars belief.