37.5º is the generally accepted figure. But this is in fact only a recommendation. Its all about whats called the 'C' value, and thats how they set out the rake etc of a stand. The measure of visible sight lines, ideally not below 90mm.
The steps for access and egress though, that's another thing, they cant be at a higher rake than 37.5º. There are ways around this, but they increase the cost considerably and can lead to a loss of seating area. Hence most stands following that.
When I was looking at the SupraStadio, I got it wrong by attributing the access rake to the seating rake, in which case would have made the design unworkable, however, they had got away with this by angling the steps along the steeper areas, similar to how you lower the gradient up a mountain.
Its possible we could be working to height constraints on the stadium, which those (if they exist) along with the site boundary constraints will play no small part in the seating gradient, and therefore the capacity.
Wembley for example, the low gradient of its lower tier means that a change of a few mm in the gradient would lead to the loss of a few meters at the back, the low gradient did in fact lead to staggered seats in order to maintain an acceptable 'c' value. By trying to get that amount of seats in such an area without the rake though, would have led to top tier heights that would be far from ideal.
My friend. May I recommend for your own sanity, and those of us who read this thread, you take a deep breath. Relax. Start to think positive things in life. Everything will be ok. No need for constant negativity.IF the deal is sealed for BM dock, that's only the first step. The more I think about it, the less of a formality the planning permission for the stadium will be.
The main concern I think will be health and safety. 50,000+ people all approaching a site from the east. A listed dock wall with only a few gates that everyone needs to enter and and exit from. If its just BM dock we are getting, these problems will surely be a major stumbling block.
Hopefully I'm wrong.
If true, that would seem to be an incredibly risky (stupid) move by the club. What if we can't get planning permission to build a stadium on the site? We'll be stuck with a Niasse (an unwanted asset that has plummeted in value).
The Liverpool City Stadium wouldn't be an issue for me, but many would be against it, so it's not going to happen.
In reality, it will carry the name of a corporate sponsor. My fear would be that it will have a ridiculous name, like Bet 365, Tampax, Imodium, or Fairy Liquid stadium lol
It would make sense if it included Nelson Dock. Based on Google Earth, the BM dock is long but quite narrow. I can't see how a stadium could fit in, as well as generous concourses, which would be required to access the North south and west stands from the main road.
There a lot of people one here claiming to know things but a lot of the information isn't stacking up.
The site areas reported for Bramley Moore and Nelson Dock of 9 and 7 acres respectively are the 'water' areas only. There's obviously a lot of site area surrounding these.
Bramley Moore Dock'e entire site has a total size is over 16 acres. If its true that we have a sale agreed on 16 acres, it WILL NOT include Nelson Dock.
The problem with the BM Dock site on its own, from what I can tell, is its shape. It's a long narrow site with a width of 180 sq m. The Etihad, Emirates and Aviva are all about 200m wide at their widest points (stadium building only). Given that everybody will need to access and circulate the stadium from one direction we will surely need wide concourses around a stadium. I'm no stadium designer, but I can't see how we can fit a stadium into BM due to its shape.
Not that I'm accusing people of telling porkies on the internet of course.
Whatever site has been agreed, its going to be brilliant for the club if it happens. I've gone from hope to expectation, but still don't talk about it to friends who support other teams in case it doesn't happen, because, you know, it's Everton.
Thats the fella who was passing off information he got from his kids getting pictures outside FF as solid itk stuff isnt it?
IF the deal is sealed for BM dock, that's only the first step. The more I think about it, the less of a formality the planning permission for the stadium will be.
The main concern I think will be health and safety. 50,000+ people all approaching a site from the east. A listed dock wall with only a few gates that everyone needs to enter and and exit from. If its just BM dock we are getting, these problems will surely be a major stumbling block.
Hopefully I'm wrong.
its 3 days old and widely reported elsewhere too