New Everton Stadium

Great news regarding cabinet approval.

I have been critical of some of Joe Anderson's twitter contributions in the run-up to last week's announcement but he is also due a great deal of credit for bringing the council with him on this. Well done Joe.

I'm not his biggest fan by all means but it's a great deal for LCC. They've been completely starved of money by the government so creative moneyspinners for LCC like this should be applauded.
This is a much better article by the Echo.

Everton FC, UNESCO and Bramley Moore Dock - you can't stand in the way of progress (and why would you want to?)
"Everton’s Holy Trinity and Liverpool’s five golden stars deserve a place alongside the Fab Four in any discussion of the city's heritage."

This seems like as good a week as any to write about the past, and how it’s not always as great as it’s cracked up to be, and how it can be comforting to cling on to the past but if we do so for too long it can weigh us down and prevent us from enjoying the present and future.

I’m referring, of course, to the “threat” posed to Liverpool’s World Heritage Site status by Everton’s plans to build a shiny new stadium on Bramley Moore Dock. Why, what else has happened this week?

The scare quotes around “threat” are there for a reason; because there really is nothing to feel threatened about.

For starters, heritage status is a pleasant selling point but not the ultimate aim for a living, breathing, growing city like this. Liverpool is not Stonehenge or the Tower Of London – it’s a tourist attraction but not just a tourist attraction.

Secondly, there’s something rose-tinted about the way UNESCO looks at the history of the docks, which are the key to the city’s status. It’s all very well hailing the “innovative technologies and methods in dock construction” – what is somewhat glossed over in the city’s citation is what (or rather, who) the docks were made for transporting so efficiently. The slave trade is a shameful part of Britain’s history and shouldn’t be airbrushed out – at the same time, it’s nothing to be celebrated, or preserved for preservation’s sake.

Thirdly, when it comes to cultural value, football is a massive part of this city. UNESCO mentions the Beatles in its sole nod to the modern age, but Everton’s Holy Trinity and Liverpool’s five golden stars deserve a place alongside the Fab Four in any discussion of our heritage. A football stadium given pride of place on the waterfront would enhance, not detract from, the city’s charm.

If UNESCO fails to recognise this – or if, as it suggested in 2012 when it put the city on its “at risk” list, the Liverpool Waters development as a whole is enough to cost the city its status – then so be it.

The docks and the Liver Building and St George’s Hall and all our other beautiful old buildings wouldn’t become any less beautiful. Tourists would still flock to the Tate and the Beatles Story. And the Slavery Museum.

This is a city with a past to be both proud and ashamed of, but it must look to the future. Making new memories doesn’t have to mean sacrificing the glories – and the lessons – of the old ones.

1st comment is fantastic stuff.

1 hour ago
This is an appalling article by an ignorant pseudo journalist. There is nothing shiny about a football stadium within these historic docks. It's the wrong thing in the wrong place . It will be a blot on the landscape. The product of Peel's desperation for cash shown by their so far empty and unfulfilled promises. And a shady backroom deal brokered by Captain Anderson from his Cunard palace. Municipal Buildings not being palatial enough....

This is a much better article by the Echo.

Everton FC, UNESCO and Bramley Moore Dock - you can't stand in the way of progress (and why would you want to?)
"Everton’s Holy Trinity and Liverpool’s five golden stars deserve a place alongside the Fab Four in any discussion of the city's heritage."

This seems like as good a week as any to write about the past, and how it’s not always as great as it’s cracked up to be, and how it can be comforting to cling on to the past but if we do so for too long it can weigh us down and prevent us from enjoying the present and future.

I’m referring, of course, to the “threat” posed to Liverpool’s World Heritage Site status by Everton’s plans to build a shiny new stadium on Bramley Moore Dock. Why, what else has happened this week?

The scare quotes around “threat” are there for a reason; because there really is nothing to feel threatened about.

For starters, heritage status is a pleasant selling point but not the ultimate aim for a living, breathing, growing city like this. Liverpool is not Stonehenge or the Tower Of London – it’s a tourist attraction but not just a tourist attraction.

Secondly, there’s something rose-tinted about the way UNESCO looks at the history of the docks, which are the key to the city’s status. It’s all very well hailing the “innovative technologies and methods in dock construction” – what is somewhat glossed over in the city’s citation is what (or rather, who) the docks were made for transporting so efficiently. The slave trade is a shameful part of Britain’s history and shouldn’t be airbrushed out – at the same time, it’s nothing to be celebrated, or preserved for preservation’s sake.

Thirdly, when it comes to cultural value, football is a massive part of this city. UNESCO mentions the Beatles in its sole nod to the modern age, but Everton’s Holy Trinity and Liverpool’s five golden stars deserve a place alongside the Fab Four in any discussion of our heritage. A football stadium given pride of place on the waterfront would enhance, not detract from, the city’s charm.

If UNESCO fails to recognise this – or if, as it suggested in 2012 when it put the city on its “at risk” list, the Liverpool Waters development as a whole is enough to cost the city its status – then so be it.

The docks and the Liver Building and St George’s Hall and all our other beautiful old buildings wouldn’t become any less beautiful. Tourists would still flock to the Tate and the Beatles Story. And the Slavery Museum.

This is a city with a past to be both proud and ashamed of, but it must look to the future. Making new memories doesn’t have to mean sacrificing the glories – and the lessons – of the old ones.

1st comment is fantastic stuff.

1 hour ago
This is an appalling article by an ignorant pseudo journalist. There is nothing shiny about a football stadium within these historic docks. It's the wrong thing in the wrong place . It will be a blot on the landscape. The product of Peel's desperation for cash shown by their so far empty and unfulfilled promises. And a shady backroom deal brokered by Captain Anderson from his Cunard palace. Municipal Buildings not being palatial enough....
Excellent article that. I also enjoyed the typical knob comment. Thanks;)
I wouldn't be surprised to hear that the funding is already in place and we see things really push on now. I know it's frustrating sometimes and we as fans want to know everything thats going on but the club have done well this time. I think they've learned from Kings Dock & Kirby, both of which had pictures, art work and all the fancy cr@p put out there but no real plan. When we finally see drawings and plans for Bramley Moore we will be seeing something that is actually going to be built... something very real. I know everyone wants trophies and massive signings but make no mistake this is the biggest thing to happen to our club certainly in my life time.
The timing of this is great too. Just in time to take the shine away from that lots brand new big red hole punch.
Last edited: FC New Stadium - Deal Terms RTC45.pdf

There is a lot of reading in that.
Basically reinforces what we already knew.
I just wonder who will provide the funding.
I may be reading too much into this but it has Asmanov written all over it.
Will we be told who is providing the finance.
It's a good vehicle for pension funds or AVC accounts as at the minute cash deposits are giving .1%to .5% returns.
Will the big insurance companies come on board or even be given the chance or will we ever know.
If we are not told who the investors are , or its some holding company then it has Asmanov written all over it

I wouldn't be surprised to hear that the funding is already in place and we see things really push on now. I know it's frustrating sometimes and we as fans want to know everything thats going on but the club have done well this time. I think they've learned from Kings Dock & Kirby, both of which had pictures, art work and all the fancy cr@p put out there but no real plan. When we finally see drawings and plans for Bramley Moore we will be seeing something that is actually going to be built... something very real. I know everyone wants trophies and massive signings but make no mistake this is the biggest thing to happen to our club certainly in my life time.
The timing of this is great too. Just in time to take the shine away from that lots brand new big red hole punch.

of course the funding is in place. that would of been sorted before Moshiri even bought out Bill back in 2016.
I wouldn't be surprised to hear that the funding is already in place and we see things really push on now. I know it's frustrating sometimes and we as fans want to know everything thats going on but the club have done well this time. I think they've learned from Kings Dock & Kirby, both of which had pictures, art work and all the fancy cr@p put out there but no real plan. When we finally see drawings and plans for Bramley Moore we will be seeing something that is actually going to be built... something very real. I know everyone wants trophies and massive signings but make no mistake this is the biggest thing to happen to our club certainly in my life time.
The timing of this is great too. Just in time to take the shine away from that lots brand new big red hole punch.

I'm living in Dublin and get over to 7/8 home games and a couple of away games in London every season
Won't be at the derby tomorrow but I read a post either here or on toffeeweb where fans where trying to organise a sixty foot banner with words to the effect
The city's club on the banks of the royal blue Mersey
Put the loft extension on the shithole to shame
Plus the Norwegians will be all confused as to what's going on.
Oh by the way I was born in Liverpool to Irish parents
They Came home when I was 4
"Fans of Liverpool and Everton have experienced many highs and lows, but never such a concentrated period of change as they’re both going through now. Liverpool, with the regeneration of Anfield, a ground criticised recently for lacking atmosphere and Everton, set to become the first club to move away from Stanley Park, a shared connection between the pair since 1892. Paul MacInnes talks to lifelong supporters of both clubs to find out how they’re coping with the developments"


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