New Everton Stadium

I advise use of the ignore option,
also what by chance if a certain someone’s ancestor was a trader, how ironic would that be?
You just never know
Where was all this outrage back when all the stadium stuff started? Show me the posts where this was an issue for you before? Didnt see you demanding the name be change then....
The issue before was only that this project was never going to happen. I remember telling him he'd be eating humble pie this year.... I must have missed that.
It's often referred to as BMD Stadium. We've all done it and even official club documents call it that as well. That needs to end now. And I'll be surprised if the club aren't looking closely at Bramley Moores' commercial history and swerving any association with his name.

You've told everybody it isn't happening for ages. If it isn't, then there isn't an issue is there?
How Everton would that be if the BLM movement (Amply supported by the RS and Jeff from West Derby) prevents any building on land that has previously been called after someone who may have be involved with the slave trade... lol

It hasn't been a functioning dock for years under the name Bramley Moore. It's a derelict dock. We've no need to tether our major project to a name that can bring shame. It's not that difficult to underline his connections to the slave trade, so let's just cut his identity out of the picture and forge our own story on that site.

Need to bring down the whole city of Liverpool then. The whole lot is built from trade from the USA during the 1700s and 1800s. The cotton exchange building has to go too.

Or we can all just get a sense of perspective.
Where was all this outrage back when all the stadium stuff started? Show me the posts where this was an issue for you before? Didnt see you demanding the name be change then....
You've mistaken my interest in this as one of tokenism on the issue of slavery and colonialism. I stated above (if ould cared to have read) that this is a pragmatic point concerning damage to the club's identity.

Need to bring down the whole city of Liverpool then. The whole lot is built from trade from the USA during the 1700s and 1800s. The cotton exchange building has to go too.

Or we can all just get a sense of perspective.
The stadium issue is for me one that stands out. It doesn't matter that other public buildings have been built with cash from colonialism. They aren't, by and large, the current home for a social institution that seeks to present an inclusive, community based identity. The site of our proposed new stadium will be. We dont need to get the club embroiled with anything of that nature because we are building afresh on the site and we can simply denounce and/or rebrand the site in an instant by taking out any reference to the name Bramley Moore. It's an embarrassing inconvenience we dont need and we can sort out in a heartbeat. Just cut out all reference to the name of a man who made a fortune from the blood and misery of slave labour. Expunge the name Bramley Moore from all literature we produce on the new stadium scheme from this point on....most of which is online anyway.
The stadium issue is for me one that stands out. It doesn't matter that other public buildings have been built with cash from colonialism. They aren't, by and large, the current home for a social institution that seeks to present an inclusive, community based identity. The site of our proposed new stadium will be. We dont need to get the club embroiled with anything of that nature because we are building afresh on the site and we can simply denounce and/or rebrand the site in an instant by taking out any reference to the name Bramley Moore. It's an embarrassing inconvenience we dont need and we can sort out in a heartbeat. Just cut out all reference to the name of a man who made a fortune from the blood and misery of slave labour. Expunge the name Bramley Moore from all literature we produce on the new stadium scheme from this point on....most of which is online anyway.

What’s next Dave? Pyramids? Ancient Greece? Rome? How about the whole of Islam.. you know the reason there are so many black people from western colonies and not from Islam is that they castrated the people they enslaved. Islam was slaving before the west and after we’d stopped. How about all the modern African countries who’s ruling families were the ones that gave us their prisoners in exchange for western products?? Should I be lobbying for Norway to formally apologise for the 500 years of enslaving celts? Or is white on white slavery ok?

Or everyone can stop being offended by the fact that we’re evolving and we’ve all done some not nice stuff to each other from the dawn of time, and we’re all trying to be better.
25% of Icelandic DNA is Irish in origin. The Irish slaves married or were granted land to farm I believe. I demand reparations from you, for making me watch Sigurdsson.
Bit more than that actually.

It was Gaels rather than Irish (Irish and Scots) and Icelandic women have on average 60% Gaelic DNA, Icelandic men 40% Gaelic DNA.
What’s next Dave? Pyramids? Ancient Greece? Rome? How about the whole of Islam.. you know the reason there are so many black people from western colonies and not from Islam is that they castrated the people they enslaved. Islam was slaving before the west and after we’d stopped. How about all the modern African countries who’s ruling families were the ones that gave us their prisoners in exchange for western products?? Should I be lobbying for Norway to formally apologise for the 500 years of enslaving celts? Or is white on white slavery ok?

Or everyone can stop being offended by the fact that we’re evolving and we’ve all done some not nice stuff to each other from the dawn of time, and we’re all trying to be better.

None of those examples involve Everton and its search for a new stadium as far as I'm aware.

Dont know how many times I've made this point already, but I;ll make it again: this is not a moral call Im making, it's one based on the inclusive image the club project and want (presumably) to keep.

Keep on naming this project the Bramley Moore Dock project and see how long it takes others in this new environemnt to figure out what the associations are.

My solution: let's be pragmatic and cut this feller's name out of the equation. He and his odious trade have nothing to do with us, we should in an instant drop all reference to him.

Is that ^^^ so hard to understand? Really?

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