BMD will have to have by law 3 test events all football orientated, small scale, medium and full that are invited will have to partake in tests such as an evacuation etc. Coach parking, although not announced where, will be about the same distance away from the ground as Priory road but they MAY charge to park. EFC do not have the keys to BMD yet and expect to get them around Xmas, sometime in the new year they will have an open session for all supporters clubs to visit at the same time for about 30 minutes only. This will not be a choose your seat event, merely an orientation visit. They would not be drawn on new ticket prices, but if you are on the ST waiting list don't get your hopes up as the implications given seemed to be that they want as many of the extra 12k of seats to be high yield (their words) as possible i.e. Far eastern tourists paying a premium who will spend a fortune in the shop on their only visit (my words not theirs but that was my impression).