In your opinion do you think the Docks is realistic?
Honestly, I have no idea, ive had a look and with my extensive knowledge of building world class stadia, im gonna go with YES.
But no, I had a good long look 1 night, I even compared the Goodison and Anfield footprint by using a ripped up piece of paper and googlemaps and its TIGHT, very TIGHT, the land, you know, with it being on the waterfront, is landlocked, the whole place is surrounded by big massive warehouses, theres listed buildings all over the place.
The whole area is full of little farty little streets, transport wise it would be utter mayhem, especially if there was an event on at The Echo Arena, good luck getting out of that hell.
So baring all that in mind, if we dont move to The Docks it will be for the reasons I listed above.
But I aint no buildering dude, so realistically I honestly havent got a clue.