Welcome back Wayne
There will never be a standing section in a stadium in this city.
And yet everyone in the Kop stands up throughout the game......go figure.......
There will never be a standing section in a stadium in this city.
I was around the proposed area today and can confirm there is defiantly a nasty smell !!
And yet everyone in the Kop stands up throughout the game......go figure.......
In an ideal world you build your Main Stand to the west so that come 3PM on a Sat most people are not blinded by the sun. With the plethora of KO times now it's not as important. It's why early KO at Goodison are poor for sunlight being in the fans eyes as it was never designed for them.
I'm sure somebody here works for UU and said that smell is self contained. Also heard that it's molasses that's the smell?
Any new stadium should be future-proofed as much as possible and that means easy provisionning to install 'safe-standing'. Would be stupid of the club not to.
Based on what Chris said does it sound self contained to you? Who buys a plot of land next to sewage treatment factory to cater for up to 50k corporate and customer based clientele?
I work for a company that builds sewage treatment works and you can rarely smell anything when you are on the site it self unless you are up close to certain areas of the works, and even then it's quite mild.. UU will have a responsibility that no Odour effects surrounding areas and if it does they will have to do something about it.. Can't see it being a problem
Don't think the people building Goodison ever gave two squits about the eyes of the serfs attending tbh.
Personally dunno I'm never down there. This is the post from @ryanbeno80 who knows more than me....
With regards to buying a plot next to a sewage works I agree with you but we're in this mad world at the minute of having to believe Moshiri knows what he's doing
The RS will protest mate, then the same people will go and stand up every week home and away.
It cost one company 150m to do something about as I mentioned in another post....that will not happen here I suspect.
If enough complaints happen and were proven to be sufficient, they have to take further preventative measures to eliminate odours emanating from the plant.
I wouldn't wait for the problem to impact a new massive commercial venture I would be all over it now with UU. That is exactly what happened with Twickenham and they had that utility company invest 150m before it impacted stadiam commercial operations.
Some will protest and some will be in support of safe standing ( I am) . Like all issues people have differing opinions. Why tar everyone with the same brush? The article includes a statement from the HJC which of course includes bereaved family members. all they want we are first team in city, they will pop up all over England eventually. Look at Celtic.. Why no protest against their safe standing? No way we have to pander to them.
In an ideal world you build your Main Stand to the west so that come 3PM on a Sat most people are not blinded by the sun. With the plethora of KO times now it's not as important. It's why early KO at Goodison are poor for sunlight being in the fans eyes as it was never designed for them.