Hatrick you say.
Why on earth would you hope he did that??
Has he even got kids?
Has anyone seen the goals yet?
One was an exact copy of the Maradonna second goal against England in the 86 world cup. Freekick actually like Roberto Carlos and an overhead like Trevor Sinclair's from a few years back.
Match report was posted 2 hours ago on official Twitter page stated goals to followHas anyone seen the goals yet?
It's sheer bloody-mindedness to ignore this player and treat him like dirt.
Just eat your own words Dutchman. The club's bigger than you. Hand him a place on the bench and see what he can do in a game that's under control.
Oh yeah, I forgot.He wasn't a Martinez signing Dave, settle down.
Going to have to do better if you want everyone to believe you.
I'll just have to live with that