Haven’t posted, haven't found the words, such movement expresses itself
The Viera affair however, I find very interesting in where things are at.
I saw a lot of good human nature in what took place, a good reflection of the evening.
Starting with the character of Viera, having to make it across the field
this was no regular circumstance, it was spontaneous in nature
a deeper sense of human nature coming through, in this case joy and relief
Viera, defeated and of other, amongst
a hyped, hi jinxed fool emerges out of the energy to rub it in,
with the resonance of a squealy growl
Viera kicks back in the resonance that Everton had kicked back and won the day.
along the path to the dressing room
Of place. and time.
What happened?
one, two then three protect with intent, protect the sprawled youth
a check, a poke, a prod
Viera assesses and turn his back, the three back away with and away from him, and go their separate ways
a man with child on shoulders moves from joy to a plea of safety
another follows through with the intent to diffuse
with the rest drawing closer, everyone quickly backing everyone
an usher or two has settled this affair for the many
Viera continues his path
no real risk or threat, bar tripping over the fences and the like.
all done en masse, in place and time, at Goodison.
there is something about place and local that finds the opportunity for such human nature that will be lost by regulation at scale. Goodison is an example of one size does not fit all.
For all the emotions endured that was the time to flood the pitch – can not be taken away.
How much faith we have in our own human nature is the question of our time.