very, very interesting discussion and even more interesting to hear the views of mostly men.
First of all the technicalities - I personally don't think the law in the Uk will ever be changed until, at the very least, the Crown and the Church of England are separated. A few people have asked the question of how it could be managed and by whom? The police, local authorities? Perhaps Dutch could tell us how it's done in the Netherlands.
Morally, well, my view is that this is MY body and if I want to give some dirty old git a blow job for a tenner then that's up to me surely? (those aren't my going rates in case anyone asks
The rub is of course that so many, many women are indeed forced into the sex trade for any number of reasons and that trade in turn may fund the supply of drugs which then cause addicts to steal to fund the habit, it goes on and on down the chain.
Drugs and the illegal sex trade go hand in hand but that's just one of the effects.
It's also quite interesting to read some of the comments regarding women being treated as sex objects etc.
May I be so bold as to ask those of you who engage in a bit of naughtiness flying solo as it were, with perhaps a girlie mag in the other hand, whether you might regard that as debasing women and treating them as a sex object?
I don't want to be provocative (pardon the pun) but where is that line between treating women (or men) as a sex object by actually having sex with them or by using images of them for self gratification?
The women in the mags may equally be forced into posing, so again, where do you draw the line?
IF and it's a big IF - a woman made an informed decision to have sex and be paid for that service, then I genuinely believe that it is her decision. Obviously if she is forced then it's a different ball game.
Rape - well, rapists are often about power and control and are often impotent and have to utilise bottles etc to satisfy their desire for penetration, dominance and control. I'm no expert of course but having been the victim of a failed sexual assault I have done my homework on what motivates the rapist and what to look out for.
Most rapes are commited by people you know! A scary statistic if ever there was one!
Anyway. just my take on it - a bit jumbled up but I'm sure you get the gist of it.