Roberto Martinez Discussion - Including Live Poll (Poll Reset 1st May)

Martinez in or out?

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The money allows us to compete with West Ham and Stoke and others outside the top 5, nothing more. We don't have money to burn. It has to be spent wisely otherwise we could easily end up like Newcastle. Look how much money Liverpool have wasted on rubbish.

I don't trust Martinez to build a well balanced squad. He has no experience of doing this on anything other than a shoe string. Even if he does sign good players the real problem is his philosophy which isn't going to change. We are never going to be able to afford the calibre of player that can overcome inadequate coaching/tactics.

I also don't believe in all this long term project rubbish either. Martinez inherited a good squad of players and has had money to spend.

If we were finishing top 10 and showing progress in terms of performances then maybe but I don't see any cause for optimism.

Bury your head in the sands all you want but we all know he is getting sacked sooner or later. It's just a question of how much damage he does in the meantime.
Just out of interest, would you describe the development of Lukaku and Barkley over the last 3 years as "inadequate"?
Not true. I remember most doubting that he'd bench him a few months back, but he did. And now we have the announcement he's to be released. Was he wrong to give Howard a further season to prove he was completely shot? Yes, probably. But he has been decisive putting that wrong right.

He played him way longer than any sensible coach would have done given his form.

It's been clear for the past two years that he needed moving on.

You can't twist it into some sort of positive that he eventually dropped him when he was basically left with no choice.

Not true. I remember most doubting that he'd bench him a few months back, but he did. And now we have the announcement he's to be released. Was he wrong to give Howard a further season to prove he was completely shot? Yes, probably. But he has been decisive putting that wrong right.

...decisive? Respectfully mate it took Christ knows how many games and a potentially faux-injury before he acted.

If he'd swooped into action when it become apparent that TH was in uber-slide then I'd praise him hugely. But he didn't, he quite damagingly hung onto him and not only did TIMMY keep his place he was also HUGELY praised by RM when everyone - including yerself, David - could see there was a prob.

That said, he now seems to have realised this was a whopper as mistakes go. Took a while though...and I often wonder if he'd have benched him early doors perhaps it'd have made TH knuckle down and work his big plums off toward getting back to something like he was. But we'll never know eh...
Just out of interest, would you describe the development of Lukaku and Barkley over the last 3 years as "inadequate"?

Lukaku has developed nicely this year but we still don't play to his strengths. Barkley's form is up and down like a yo yo. I think he would be improved by playing with a more professional coach. One who actually gives him defensive responsibilities. Barkley's talent is carrying him through at the moment.
I think the defensive coach idea is wishful thinking.

Martinez is never going to accept someone coming in and telling four or five players to start working in a way which is incompatible with his 'philosophy'.

Agreed he will probably try to teach the defensive coach his philosophy of outscoring the opposition

Correct but with a different manager, a manager who knows how to play 1-0 and 0-0 games...

I'd ask you where would Stoke be without Butland, or Southampton without Frazer Forster, or United without De Gea, or Chelsea without Courtois.

Those GKs keep scoring down and give defenders confidence that if they balls it up they have a reasonably good chance of it not being fatal. For all Robles steadiness, he's not top class.

What we need most of all though is a leader and organiser. A Terry type. I think Dave Watson was the last player who really opened his mouth in the heart of an Everton defence and got discipline into it. Managers on the sidelines cant do that. Players on the pitch do.
Lukaku has developed nicely this year but we still don't play to his strengths. Barkley's form is up and down like a yo yo. I think he would be improved by playing with a more professional coach. One who actually gives him defensive responsibilities. Barkley's talent is carrying him through at the moment.
I don't really understand what this means sir
I accept there are many negatives, it's just that they dont outweigh the positives.

We're a top GK and defensive organiser on the pitch away from seeing this team challenging for at least a European spot.

That's just obvious to anyone who looks at the way we can open teams up and score. It's just common sense. Start again with a new manager and all the turmoil or give RM the cash to buy those two players in the summer? No brainer to me.

And round we go again...:zzz:

He just spent £9-£10m on mori, added to the defenders he had at his disposal; never plays Galloway (His signing don't forget - what's that tell you?) and the defence has FAILED.

His defensive record at Wigan was one stop short of atrocious - but you want to give him more to spend on players he'll no doubt fail to drill; because he hasn't done so previously....So what'd be the bleedin' point?

Honestly, you'd think there was no other manager capable....EVER.
I can't speak for BlueWally, but I wouldn't be. I'd be two-faced, sing his name with plenty of gusto, but wouldn't be that arsed if he was to leave.

If I was in effective charge of this club, if I hadn't already, I'd be tasking a team with identifying, and maybe even sounding out possible replacements.

There's a lot of talk in the myriad of Martinez threads about the last two league seasons form, the 72 points in the first season, the possibility of winning a trophy, how we're often boss in attack, but clueless in defence, but most of that is either looking back, or only looking forward a few weeks.

If Moshiri is making money available this Summer then he'll want to be sure that there's noone obviously better than Martinez to spend that cash. If his team identifies someone who's an upgrade on Martinez who's available, then hanging onto Bobby, even after a cup win would make little sense.

Now I don't know much about managers outside the Premier League and whether there are significantly better options out there, but one thing I do know, the appointment of Martinez was made in what seemed to be a very amateurish fashion, and the remit then was just a safe pair of hands. That remit seems to have changed, so I'd be amazed if getting a replacement in hasn't, or isn't, being seriously considered.

A) If we win it Ditto and quite badly too...probably to the point of getting weepy, kettled on sangria and, yes, there may even be a brown shoe involved. Bad that really innit...because I'd be straight back to wanting him offed as soon as sobriety kicked in...

B) Without ANY shadow of doubt those discussions have already taken place and continue to take place, probably with quite a bit of urgency & gusto about them too. And if - and it's a BIG if - that decision is made in the future then be in no doubt it'll only be made with what's deemed the 'right' man ready and pre-sounded to step in.

Of course, who that could be is for another thread entirely...

I hate Easter.

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