Kind of unnecessary taking shots at a fellow blue for having an opinion that differs from yours. Allezfan is one of the long standing top posters around here.
...mate, you're outlandishly pompous aren't you, it's enjoyable watching how many times you 'pull' people, if not a tad odd.
So, would you like to know the sentiment behind my questioning of devotion....wanna really hear it. And - aces by the way, before you play the card - this isn't a criticism of you being an 'offshore' blue either. And, for record, I like ALLEZ, he's a sound poster, and I apologise for the tone toward
@Allezfan, genuinely I do...
But I'm afraid it rankles at the most base level, these folk that spit away how meaningless the league is...that 5th & 15th are the same...all that antagonistic crap...anyway, wanna know what the base level's doing better than your neighbour, it's having a better center forward than they have, it's the dashed hope of us having a better squad than they have for the first time in years and having someone at the helm who's managed to take it backwards (what an achievement that is)...the league's a sign of progress and proof that we're NOT standing still...
And it's dismissed, shockingly today, as an 'oh well, wouldn't have made any difference anyway'.
I simply can't come round nor understand that way of thinking.
it's about pride, in the badge, in the the club.
So don't f**king tell me 5th is the same as 15th.
It isn't.