Roberto Martinez discussion

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John Giles: Everton boss Roberto Martinez talks too much for his own good
Roberto Martinez must start delivering soon or all his fine words will mark him as a talker and not a winner. If his team was as fluent as he is in a press conference, he would have no problems at all.

But I've always thought that he talks too much for his own good and uses words to bat away reality.
After losing to Manchester City in the midweek League Cup semi-final, it was all about the Raheem Sterling cross and the fact that everyone else watching the game saw the ball go out of play and the officials didn't.
Of course I understand how much that must have hurt Martinez and his players. But there were other moments in the game which caused self-inflicted damage.
The problem for Martinez is that his flow of words cannot hide shortcomings in his defence and more generally, in his team's ability to capitalise on a winning position.

He focuses on bad decisions but the real problem lies closer to home. It's a defence mechanism which is acceptable from a winning manager because he usually corrects the faults which cause a poor performance or an individual player to play badly.
But it becomes an irritating whine if a manager is constantly blaming everything but the obvious for bad results.
Martinez has not been shy about selling himself or the group of players he is working with and predicting great things for his team. But that sounds like an election promise to Everton supporters, who see a very talented young squad but no sign of progress.

They are a tolerant bunch, the Everton faithful. They gave David Moyes (pictured above) as much time as he wanted and gave him an ovation when he was leaving because they knew what he had done for the club.
I think it's fair to say that Martinez has improved the squad but he is also enjoying the benefits of Moyes' careful stewardship of the club at all levels and particularly the academy.

Martinez has bought carefully and quite well to add to the home grown stock of players like Ross Barkley and John Stones but he has also made costly mistakes.
Aiden McGeady is clearly one of them but you'd never guess that from the way the Everton manager talks and it is this part of his personality which worries me the most and will trip him up eventually, as it did Brendan Rodgers.
He is far too willing to insult everyone's intelligence by painting a rosy picture when all I see is thorns.
In Ireland, we have watched McGeady for years. We know he has an independent streak which sometimes comes into conflict with authority but we also know he can do truly wonderful things with a football.
For me, unfortunately, he has never done it often enough and to be honest, I don't think he ever will which is a great, great pity.
There are moments when he does things with a football which lift your spirit and a few seconds later, he drops you back down on the floor like a deflated balloon.

I don't know why McGeady cannot be more consistent and I don't know why his time at Everton has been so disappointing, apart from the injury issues he had to deal with.
But he has been fit for a number of weeks now and it is very telling that he cannot even make it into a match day squad.
And yet Martinez speaks about McGeady as if he will be the star turn next season for Everton.
He has spoken about finding a loan move for McGeady and helping him out in his quest for regular football to prepare for Euro 2016 so that he can come back to Goodison refreshed and ready for pre-season. That's a load of old nonsense. If he was straight about McGeady he would tell us that the player has been a huge disappointment and the big salary he is earning could be used elsewhere to greater effect.

Of course he can't say that but why say anything at all? People are not stupid. Managers in England with a few quid to spend and an eye on McGeady know that he's available and will take the appropriate steps without Martinez spinning like a top.
But he ploughs on with nicely crafted sentences which read well but mean nothing.
There is another item of circumstantial evidence which makes me believe that Martinez is now swimming against the tide and that his reputation as a top coach has been inflated.
He's had James McCarthy for seven of the lad's nine seasons as a professional footballer and that's a long time; long enough to identify, talk about and work on weaknesses in his game.
I believe that McCarthy has the talent within him to be more than he is and I would see it as Martinez's duty to help him achieve his maximum potential.
The fact that he hasn't implies some element of failure of management and coaching and Martinez prides himself as a coach.
I don't say this to attack McCarthy. Perhaps his personality makes him the player he is and I don't know him well enough to know either way.
But I do know that the small changes in McCarthy's game which could make a huge difference should be easy to explain in a half hour with a few videos and a chat.
That's the job of the coach and Martinez has had seven seasons to work on it without any noticeable change.
It would be absolutely miraculous and hilarious at the same time if we finished top Four this season. All the doubters, including me, would hang our heads in defeat, and all the pro Bobby folk would be celebrating like we just won the CL.

Mate if the miracle you speak of happenned, then I'd be delighted. Only a moron would rather everton lost games to suit an agenda. I'm quite happy to be wrong on roberto.

But the chances of it happenning are the square root of fa
It's not that it's him, it's what he's said. Which I fully agreed with.

And the Independent article too.

It's good that the manager is getting some negative attention. I really hope he can sort it all out.
As do I mate. I want him to be successful as I think he's a nice bloke. But if he isn't the right bloke for us he needs to go.

As my lad said, Martinez has got to learn that sometimes it's okay to win a footy match by playing ugly football.

Your lad is spot on. A couple of ugly wins and confidence is gained and with confidence comes the more fluent football. It's nigh on impossible to play fluent football when the confidence to implement such a style isn't there.

It's an old saying isn't it but it's so true, win your personal battles on the pitch and earn the right to play your football and results will come.
This is the thing that gets to me the most recently. For the last 18 months when we were under-performing I believed in him to turn it around. Time has gone on and things haven't progressed from the last season. We saw a lot of individual defensive errors last season from the likes of Distin and Alcaraz but now we're seeing the same thing in Stones this season. The fact that the same defensive problems are continuing a year on doesn't give me hope that he knows how to(or can) fix it. I have read and watched a lot of the interviews he has given, and he is becoming less and less convincing as he dodges the questions and accusations about the team's poor performances. Moyes inferiority complex was unbearable but even he knew when to let the players know they were not meeting expectations. There seems to be this arrogant refusal from Martinez to address what I think is legitimate criticisms of the results. He's asking for us to believe in the project and give him more time but the last 18 months should have given him some time to come up with a few answers to our defending problems.
Your loving this
You maybe right over RM not being the right man, but in my eyes I have little or no respect for people like you who want to see any part of the club fail
Total embarrassment

There are people who have changed their minds over RM, I have no problems with them as they at least we're willing to give the man a chance and in the main could see what he was trying to produce.

You wanted him to fail from him taking the reigns

Ha ha

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