Jackand i think we will. not even if they offer what we listed him at, it's way too late. The money would be no advantage to us whatsoever at this point. Anyway, i sure will be happy if we fend them off again with such a massive fee being branded about. Rejecting £115m off them in consecutive summers - bet you we won't get anywhere near the same respect as other clubs would. We would get the usual "holding back the player's development" crap that we're usually spoon fed.
Theres nothing that would make me feel better in this crazy footy world than us telling Chelski to feck off.
But theres far too much paper talk going on here .
I hope the £ 75 mil makes them baulk and he stays.
But if they want him (and more to the point if he wants them) then its gonna cost them big time.