Well we had seen the fee agreed for Williams mate (I know for a fact that we only ever submitted two bids for him, the last of which was Wednesday or Thursday last week). So maybe we did presume the Stones deal was close, but we had committed the money with that second bid (which must've been what Swansea took as we didn't go in with a third...)
We also did buy Gueye, and there was the compo for RK to S'ton, plus Walsh's compo and both of their respective signing on fees. We can also be almost certain due to the amount of times and from different sources that it was reported that we had pledged big money (£25mil) for Witsel's fee and offer...
Without getting into the other areas, then that's probably what, £15m actually spent before the Stones deal (not loads I know) with an extra 9-12 (depending on what reports we believe) pledged for Williams. (I'll ignore Witsel as it hasn't gone through).
In the grand scheme of things, not loads, no, but then again would you be putting £15mil of your money in like that? (I am aware that you're most likely not a billionaire

Okay, so the Stones deal goes through and now we're making our 'big' moves - though yes later than many - myself included, would have liked.
Bolasie and Kone would, as I said depending on who you believe, account for £40-£43mil in transfer fees. Taking off Barnsley's sell-on clause, those two alone equal either exactly as much (give or take) or a few mil more than Stones' sale brought in.
Factor in Gueye, Williams and the rest as I mentioned above to go to Koeman (and his coaching staff) and Walsh and you're already looking at way upwards of £60mil spent - probably more towards £70mil - on improving the coaching set up and squad.
Obviously, that's £70m gross (£30m NET), and isn't accounting for wages or anything like that as the club's revenue stream takes care of that really.