Ha ha. You asked for
A) direct quotes from Koeman about how he distrusts playing younger players - provided
B) evidence of Southampton youngsters now getting a chance again post Koeman - provided
Not one acknowledgement from you...and you then have the gall to ask me to clarify more obvious points for you.
Someone stick a fork in this lad, he's done.
Firstly the proof you provided was an interview with puel where he stated his job outline included continuing bringing through youth, continuing a key word Dave, his own word, not to restart the process, to continue, which would suggest there's never been a break from it, maybe just maybe there young players right now aren't good enough?
Here's proof to counter your claims, Koeman has so far given more minutes and starts to young players in the league than the current saints manager, is that just a curious fact your ignoring as it doesn't fit the agenda tthough?
Also why are you looking at koeman and basing your opinion on one interview and one example at one club, ignoring every other job he's had and how young players where handled there?
Stick a fork in me I'm done... too late for you mate, you burnt to a crisp a long time ago, genuinely find your posts a bit amusing lately as your going to further and further weird places to find proof your right.
Only blue I know that we could go do ish 4th-5th this year and you'd be complaining it's not pretty enough and we only play kids cos the park end made him do it...