Ronald Koeman discussion

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So, prior to January he had Gibson, Gueye, Barry, McCarthy, Besic, and of course an emerging Davies

So he had 6, he replaced one tosh (Gibson) for one class (Morgs).

In all scenarios we've been hampered by Besic and McCarthy being injured and prior to January Gibson being either injured or drunk

This leaves 3/4 vying for 2/3 spots, dependent on formation. We were so short on midfield options with Gueye leaving for AFCON that he put his trust in Davies and it worked like a charm.

Now we're getting people back to fitness we have options.

Your agenda driven drivel as more holes than a block of Swiss cheese

That's true, but my only concern is now that the options are better Koeman seems like he wants to shoehorn as many of them in as possible. Which I thought was to our detriment in the Boro/Spurs games.

I really wish we'd go back to the 3-5-2 to get some width in the side.
Prior to January Gibson was not a viable starter and neither was Besic for two different reasons. Besic was always due back round about now, so what Koeman did was go out and replace a player with zero chance of a start with one who he would feel bound to start and play every game given the ridiculously high fee he paid for him and at the same time Besic was making strides back to full fitness. In effect he gave us a situation where four players (McCarthy, Barry, Gueye and Davies) were realistically chasing two starting positions and gave us a situation where SIX players are now chasing two (possibly three given formation) starting positions with the addition of Schneiderlin and the re-introduction of Besic.

If that isn't a cock-eyed transfer policy I dont know what is. SIX players chasing those two positions. It is INSANE!

It's called improving the squad.

Last season we had Osman, Gibson and Cleverley. He's replaced them with Gueye, Schneiderlin and now Davies has come through. That's a massive upgrade.
Same answer to you:

We played the last few matches with three CMs in the team.

Before that (from the beginning of last February going back) at Stoke, Palace, City, Southampton, Hull, Liverpool we played two and we didn't always stick with 433 either: S'ton and Leicester we went 4-2-3-1 and 3-4-3 respectively. Against Liverpool we went 4-2-3-1. In fact, we've mixed formation up all season long but apart from the last 3/4 games have never played more than two CMs in a game.

...try looking beyond the end of your nose when analysing the trends in the way we set up this season.

The Barry/Gueye or Gueye/McCarthy combo has been the only game in town apart form the last 4 games or so.


Is it not at all possible that due to McCarthy/Besic injuries, before he could sign Schneiderlin he had to use formations to fit available personnel but now they're fit & he's signed he can finally use a "preferred" formation with 3 centre mids in?

Either way let's compare used numbers for the last two seasons:





Did you moan about having too many central midfielders last season? I suspect not. We've simply kept the numbers the same but vastly improved the quality.
Prior to January Gibson was not a viable starter and neither was Besic for two different reasons. Besic was always due back round about now, so what Koeman did was go out and replace a player with zero chance of a start with one who he would feel bound to start and play every game given the ridiculously high fee he paid for him and at the same time Besic was making strides back to full fitness. In effect he gave us a situation where four players (McCarthy, Barry, Gueye and Davies) were realistically chasing two starting positions and gave us a situation where SIX players are now chasing two (possibly three given formation) starting positions with the addition of Schneiderlin and the re-introduction of Besic.

If that isn't a cock-eyed transfer policy I dont know what is. SIX players chasing those two positions. It is INSANE!


Besic and McCarthy have both been hampered by injuries throughout their entire Everton career. Davies is 18, it's his first full season in the first team, he's not, and shouldn't, play every game; he needs time to rest and learn. Barry is on his last legs, I think even he knows his playing time is very very limited.

So to sum it up we have 2 regular starters, 2 injury prone players who if fit will provide competition, 1 dead horse and 1 youngster who his still learning his trade.

You're so wrong and using any excuse to bash Ronk. When we ride to glory with Ron I'll be sure to wave

Competition for places, it's what helps you challenge and stay competitive

We need that many numbers due to the sheer effort each player has to put in now. The central role is now full of pace and we now have the personel to swap when tiredness sets in. Think it was very important to how we play now.

Is it not at all possible that due to McCarthy/Besic injuries, before he could sign Schneiderlin he had to use formations to fit available personnel but now they're fit & he's signed he can finally use a "preferred" formation with 3 centre mids in?

Either way let's compare used numbers for the last two seasons:





Did you moan about having too many central midfielders last season? I suspect not. We've simply kept the numbers the same but vastly improved the quality.

Do me a favour mate, do you really consider Davies a starter last season?! Or Gibson as a starter?! And Cleverley was played wide more than he was ever considered to be a starter at CM...which he very rarely did.

There is no comparison whatsoever to be made from last season's available CM personnel to this season's. NONE.

Do me a favour mate, do you really consider Davies a starter last season?! Or Gibson as a starter?! And Cleverley was played wide more than he was ever considered to be a starter at CM...which he very rarely did.

There is no comparison whatsoever to be made from last season's available CM personnel to this season's. NONE.

Erm where did I use the word starters? I just said players we used in central midfield last season. Cleverley and Gibson may not have played much but neither has Besic or to an extent McCarthy this season. At the end of the day wherever they played they're all central midfielders.

Nice way of swerving reason though.

Besic and McCarthy have both been hampered by injuries throughout their entire Everton career. Davies is 18, it's his first full season in the first team, he's not, and shouldn't, play every game; he needs time to rest and learn. Barry is on his last legs, I think even he knows his playing time is very very limited.

So to sum it up we have 2 regular starters, 2 injury prone players who if fit will provide competition, 1 dead horse and 1 youngster who his still learning his trade.

You're so wrong and using any excuse to bash Ronk. When we ride to glory with Ron I'll be sure to wave

Competition for places, it's what helps you challenge and stay competitive
McCarthy is back to fitness, Besic is on the cusp of that, Barry is so much on his last legs he's started most of our games this season including the last one. Davies has not been benched since he broke through and so we now have the spectacle of a manager playing FOUR CMs in one game in order to justify the madness of his transfer dealings.

Should have used that cash for Schneiderlin to buy Sigurdsson and this problem wouldn't have arisen.

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