Happen you should "knee jerk".
To just meekly accept that rubbish today, which means we have now picked up five points out of the last eighteen on offer must alarm even the most fervent Koeman lover, is really head in the sand stuff.
To keep giving this guy the benefit of the doubt when the team is getting worse on an almost weekly basis on the grounds that we "are below no team worse than us" is bizarre.
Now, I not advocating firing him or owt like that.
But I want to see some sign he is worth the money we are paying him.
And yes, that includes getting a much sweeter tune out of the players he has at his disposal right now......in the weeks leading up to January.
If this slump since mid September continues plenty of teams who should not be "above us" will indeed be above us before much longer.
(though to be honest, I am not holding out much hope for any major signings at the quality end of the market come January).