Yup, we aren't 5-6 games in now, we are closing in on half a season, and there is zero sign of any player progressing, of any actual style being implemented, or system.
The latest thing is saying he can't play his system because the players arent capable, hmmm ok but i can guarantee that if Klopp or Conte would have taken over then these self same players would be actually playing a system by now, and if not they would be no where near the first team
klopp for starters has shown that you can get bang average players to go out and 'put a shift in' its about the coaching, Koeman doesn't seem capable of coaching a player to play the system he wants, he needs to buy the ready made player, which is absolutely disturbing as hell.
He looked out by taking over a Pocc team that was immenesly fit and used to the style of pressing - and yes he replaced 2-3 players - but as he has previously said himself he doesnt get involved in buying players which means that the aints DoF, went out there and bought replacements who already could play a high intensity game, evidence suggests Koeman isn't capable of teaching it if its not already part of the player