Iv'e heard we are the only club in the country who give there own players stick
Can't blame him for leaving really
Iv'e heard we are the only club in the country who give there own players stick
Can't blame him for leaving really
Iv'e heard we are the only club in the country who give there own players stick
If Barkley really wants to leave because he can't cope with a few groans when he gives the ball away, then he either needs to ship himself out ASAP or grow a set of balls and learn to live with it.
Ah of course, that classic mindset that if others do it then it's fine.
IF it is part of the reason (none of us really know) then he will need to become mentally stronger but at the same times its very easy for us to sit at home and say 'man up', we're not the ones getting abuse hurled at us on a public stage. Not everyones the same. If I felt I was getting unfairly targeted id be pissed as well, we all would.
It's not "others", It's every club on the planet
What do you think people watching a sport do when someone cocks up? Claps ffs
You've missed the point. Carry on.
The entire argument is about him getting treated unfairly relative to other players in our squad.
Do you have a boo/moan per min for the squad so we can see who's the most abused
And then you would go home to your big gold house and really not be bothered at all.
There's no doubt Barkley gets more stick.
Even at the last game, groans when Barkley made one mistake - not one sound when Davies made two.
Not saying Davies deserves stick obviously - the point is that Barkley doesn't. He's unfairly targeted because of his style of play. It's ridiculous.
Iv'e heard we are the only club in the country who give there own players stick
Can't blame him for leaving really
Exactly!Definitely won't be getting any abuse at Spurs mate. They're certain to have a nice comfy cotton wool bed made for him upon arrival.
Like he would get less criticism somewhere else? If anything, I think the moan count stats might increase, as then he would have a price tag to live up to, as well as "The Next Bazza!" reputation packed in his luggage.