This is it.Mosh looking for a green light on his top managerial target before releasing fat head would be my hopeful guess. Remember the mess we had when Koeman went maybe he wants to avoid that this time? Nail down a successor then sack the incumbent. If he was happy for Fat head to carry on he would have told him. That's my hope anyway. Either that or they haven't a scooby what's they are doing as usual.
Unfortunately pulling the trigger on this mess would see Allardyce airing the dirty laundry to all his mates immediately on the way out because that's just how Sam does.
Probably best to have it all neatly tied up with a bow around it before we look silly again for sacking him and not having a replacement lined up once again. We also need somebody to sort the preseason schedule out at the very least.
I just pray that transfers weren't discussed.