The fans “turn up” every game, all over the country, every single time and regardless of the awful, awful results and performances this fella has served up and at whatever ridiculous time the TV companies demand we play at. The way Dyche sets up to NOT have the ball in home games kills any bit of atmosphere, his home record is appalling because he has no idea how to try and win a game from the start and never has. The fans have been the only positive about the club for years.
If you want the crowd to be involved then give them something, set the team up to go at the opposition for a change, set the team up to allow players to join in attacks, set the team up to seek the ball and get it back, close down the opposition in packs and force them into mistakes, allow freedom to your better players and excite the crowd for ffs, replace players who are clearly exhausted/off form (you can witness these simple coaching methods in every single semi professional league in English football yet the current incumbent doesn’t have it in his locker for £5m a year!). He’s an awful coach and he is to blame for the widespread apathy at Goodison. You want a change in atmosphere? Then CHANGE something about the defeatist, negative approach you wheel out EVERY single HOME game.